智汇书屋 -Number the Stars
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Number the Stars书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780547577098
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-5-2
  • 页数:137
  • 价格:GBP 6.01
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:25:54



This Newbery Medal Book describes how a ten-year-old Danish girl's bravery is tested when her best friend is threatened by Nazis in 1943.










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In reading of the Resistance leaders in Denmark. I came across an account of a young man named Kim Malthe-bruun, who was eventually captured and executed by the Nazis when he was only twenty-one years old. I read his story as I had read many others turning the pages, skimming here and there: this sabotage, that tactic, this capture, that escape. After a while even courage becomes routine to the reader.

Then, quite unprepared, I turned the page and faced a photograph of Kim Malthe-bruun. He wore a turtleneck sweater, and his thick, light hair was windblown. His eyes looked out at me, unwavering on the page.

Seeing him there, so terribly young, broke my heart. But seeing the quiet determination in his boyish eyes made me determined, too, to tell his story, and that of all the Danish people...

“Who is that man who rides past here every morning on his horse?"

the German soldier had asked.

Papa said he had smiled to himself,amused that the German soldier did not know.He listened while the boy answered.

"He is our king,"the boy told the soldier."He is the King of Denmark."

"Where is his bodyguard?"the soldier had asked.

"And do you know what the boy said?"Papa had asked Annemarie.She was sitting on his lap.She was little,then,only seven years old.She shook her head,waiting to hear the answer.

"The boy looked right at the soldier,and he said,‘All of Denmark is his bodyguard.'"

这位国王就是Christian X,像我这种完全不了解国外历史人对这位喜欢一个人出来溜达的国王都好感兴趣呢~

The whole world had changed.Only the fairy tales remained the same.

"And they lived happily ever after,"Annemarie recited,whispering into the dark,completing the tale for her sister,who slept beside her,one thumb in her mouth.

She turned to her father."Papa,do you remember what you heard the boy say to the soldier?That all of Denmark would be the king's bodyguard?"

Her father smiled."I have never forgotten it,"he said.

"Well,"Annemarie said slowly,"now I think that all of Denmark must be bodyguard for the Jews,as well."

"So we shall be,"Papa replied.

Ellen had said that her mother was frightened of the ocean,that it was too cold and too big.

The sky was,too,thought Annemarie.The whole world was:too cold,too big.And too cruel.

"Uncel Henrik!"Annemarie shrieked,and then began to laugh."Look!"She pointed."The God of Thunder has fallen into the milk pail!"





This Newbery Medal Book describes how a ten-year-old Danish girl's bravery is tested when her best friend is threatened by Nazis in 1943.


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  • 简评

    作者:陌路人 发布时间:2023-03-05 17:19:34

  • 主题背后的主题

    作者:jackxushu 发布时间:2019-05-15 08:55:13

    The book ‘Number the Stars’ a historical fiction written by Lois Lowry tells the story of little ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen saving her Jewish friend and learning how to be courageous in the face of danger. Therefore, it is apparent that courage is one of its main themes. But, in my opinion, though courage is a main theme it might not be the most important one.

    洛伊丝·劳里(Lois Lowry)所著的历史小说《Number The Stars》讲述了10岁的小女孩安娜玛丽·约翰森(Annemarie Johansen)拯救她的犹太朋友,并学会了如何勇敢地面对危险的故事。因此,很明显,勇气是它的主题之一。但是,在我看来,虽然勇气是一个主题,但它可能不是最重要的。

    I believe that there is one fundamental theme that stands behind every other theme, and that’s love.


    The theme courage, appeared throughout the book and wove the story together. If not because of courage, Annemarie would never bring herself to face the Nazi gestapos at the harbor, if not because of courage, Mrs. Johansen wouldn’t attempt to stop the German solider from opening a casket filled with resources needed by Jews. But what is the motivation of their courage? I attribute it to love. Some might suggest that when facing a common enemy natural unity would be generated, and that would be their motivation for becoming brave. However, that kind of unity is limited to personal gain that one can get from a group, not strong enough to let you risk your life just to save another.


    One unique point that made in this book is the one about lies and deceit. As Annemaine found out in Chapter 9 ‘why are you lying', lies could be used as a method to make one brave. Commonly, we consider lies to have negative impacts on relationships but the book has shown us that it could be used positively under the shadows of war. This is because there is mutual trust between friends and families and their bound are strong enough to withstand deceit. That trust is most definitely synonymous to love.


    In the afterword, author Lois Lowry expressed her intention of writing this book. She said that the book is written also to commemorate and pass along the spirit of love and care. Love is the ultimate weapon that civilians have against their invaders.

    在后记中,作者Lois Lowry表达了她写这本书的意图。她说,写这本书也是为了纪念和传递爱和关怀的精神。爱是平民对抗侵略者的终极武器。

    In conclusion, I believe that love is the most important theme in ‘Number the Stars’, because it is the one thing that connected and unified friends, family, communities, the one thing that sparked courage into the ones oppressed and paved way for a future that we are all benefiting from.

    总而言之,我相信爱是《Number the Stars》中最重要的主题,因为它是一件将朋友、家人、社区联系在一起、团结在一起的事情,是一件激发被压迫者勇气的事情,是一件为我们所有人都从中受益铺平未来道路的事情。

    ( *书评原文英文,为方便阅读,中文译文via:有道翻译)


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