全国各类成人高考专科起点升本科:高等数学(一)(最新版)(标准预测试卷·近年真题汇编) 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

》全国各类成人高考专科起点升本科:高等数学(一)(最新版)(标准预测试卷·近年真题汇编)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787507713381
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-04
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:6.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
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  • 语言:未知
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:25:50
































全国各类成人高考起点升本科:英语(最新版 标准预测试卷·近年真题汇编),ISBN:9787507713381,作者:赵坤领,白薇 编著


  • 作者:食梦貘 发布时间:2019-08-26 17:24:40

    “控制成本长期持有买指数基金” 这个观点反复说了300页。

  • 作者:Phoebe➕ 发布时间:2017-03-06 17:17:05

  • 作者:柠檬茶走冰 发布时间:2022-07-15 16:53:52


  • 作者:smumy 发布时间:2010-09-11 21:17:40


  • 作者:GW_Parables 发布时间:2020-01-21 22:05:35

    昨天下午看完的..R那本书的注释者提到的..做一个参考..各种vignette...human greed is disgusting among ugly ppl...

  • 作者:TimZhang踢木桩 发布时间:2020-09-22 09:37:56



  • 创巴是个很有争议的人物

    作者:Peace 发布时间:2009-08-18 22:08:29





    There exist a number of controversies surrounding Trungpa's behavior.

    Despite the fact that as a monk he was supposed to be celibate, Trungpa began havng sex with women at the age of thirteen.[21] He nonetheless presented himself as a monk who was keeping the vinaya purely, and did not formally give back his vows until 1968.[22]

    Trungpa was known for his drinking of alcohol.[23] He began drinking regularly shortly after arriving in India, also a violation of his monastic vows.[24] Before his coming to America, Trungpa, while under the influence, drove a sports car into a joke shop in Dumfries, Scotland. He was left partially paralyzed and often in need of assistance to walk. On some occasions he was carried off-stage for being too drunk.[25] David Chadwick recounts:[26]

        Suzuki [Roshi] asked Trungpa to give a talk to the students in the zendo the next night. Trungpa walked in tipsy and sat on the edge of the altar platform with his feet dangling. But he delivered a crystal-clear talk, which some felt had a quality – like Suzuki's talks – of not only being about the dharma but being itself the dharma.

    Two former students of Trungpa, John Steinbeck IV (son of novelist John Steinbeck) and his wife, wrote a sharply critical memoir of their lives with him in which they claim that, in addition to his addiction to alcohol, Trungpa had a "$40,000-a-year cocaine habit, along with a penchant for Seconal. . . although his drinking and sexual exploits were never kept secret, his staggering coke habit was well concealed from his students."[27] Among the things they found appalling:

        Women were trained as 'consorts.' That meant they knew what to do when he threw up, shit in the bed, snorted coke till dawn, turned his attention to other women and maybe even got in the mood for a threesome. Our little band of recovering Buddhists began to ask people if they thought this flagrant behavior constituted religious or sexual abuse. The standard answer you get from the male good old boys is . . that they never . .heard any woman complain about sleeping with Rinpoche. (I use that term loosely, because for years he was alcoholically impotent and would devise little sexual games such as using a dildo known as 'Mr. Happy' or insisting women masturbate in front of him.) . . . Many women, who felt they were no more than chattel, silently left the scene.[28]

    Another former student, Stephen Butterfield, noted that "Trungpa told us that if we ever tried to leave the Vajrayana, we would suffer unbearable, subtle, continuous anguish, and disasters would pursue us like furies . . . doubting the dharma and associating with heretics were causes for downfall . . .if this was the consequence of merely leaving the organization, what supernal wrath might be visting upon me for publicly question or discussing my experience of it?"[29] Butterfield noted the "disquieting resemblances" to cults, noting "to be part of Trungpa's inner circle, you had to take a vow never to reveal or even discuss some of the things he did. This personal secrecy is common with gurus, especially in Vajrayana Buddhism. It is also common in the dysfunctional family systems of alcoholics and sexual abusers. This inner circle secrecy puts up an almost insurmountable barrier to a healthily skeptical mind."[30] Nonetheless, he ultimately concluded about his experience of Trungpa's organization, "a mere cult leaves you disgusted and disillusioned, wondering how you could have been a fool. I did not feel that charlatans had hoodwinked me into giving up my powers to enhance theirs. On the contrary, mine were unveiled."[31]

    Trungpa was also famously antagonistic toward democracy; Butterfield noted "his views always reflected his dislike of democracy . . proposals for membership control of his organization were squashed."[32] Of Trungpa's purportedly "secular" Shambhala teachings, Butterfield said "they convey a definite authoritarian political outlook, elevating the leader above the follower, and silencing heresy," and that "the Shambhala mythology becomes increasingly complex and cultish in the upper levels."[33]

    An incident that became a cause célèbre among some poets and artists was the Halloween party at the Fall, 1975, Snowmass Colorado Seminary, a 3-month period of intensive meditation and study of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana vehicles of Tibetan Buddhism. The poet W. S. Merwin had arrived that summer at the Naropa Institute and been told by Allen Ginsberg that he ought to visit seminary. Although he had not gone through the several years worth of practice required, Merwin was insistent he attend, and Trungpa eventually granted his request – along with his girlfriend as well. At seminary the couple stayed to themselves. At the Halloween party, after many, including Trungpa himself, had taken off their clothes, Merwin was asked to join the event, but refused. On Trungpa's orders his Vajra Guard forced entry into the poet's locked and barricaded room; brought him and his girlfriend, Dana Naone, against their will, to the party; and eventually stripped them of all their clothes, onlookers ignoring Naone's pleas for help and for someone to call the police.[34] The next day Trungpa asked Merwin and Naone to remain at the Seminary as either students or guests. They agreed to stay for several more weeks to hear the Vajrayana teachings (which center around samaya), with Trungpa's promise that "there would be no more incidents," and Merwin and Naone's assertion that "it would be with no guarantees of obedience, trust, or personal devotion to him."[35] They left immediately after the last talk. In a 1977 letter to members of a Naropa class investigating the incident, Merwin concluded,

        My feelings about Trungpa have been mixed from the start. Admiration, throughout, for his remarkable gifts; and reservations, which developed into profound misgivings, concerning some of his uses of them. I imagine, at least, that I've learned some things from him (though maybe not all of them were the things I was 'supposed' to learn) and some through him, and I'm grateful to him for those. I wouldn't encourage anyone to become a student of his. I wish him well.[36]

    Author Jeffery Paine commented on this incident that "Seeing Merwin out of step with the rest, Trungpa could have asked him to leave, but decided it was kinder to shock him out of his aloofness."[37] However, he also notes outrage felt in particular by poets such as Robert Bly and Kenneth Rexroth, who began calling Trungpa a fascist.[38] Rexroth (in Miles, 1989) offers the observation that "Many believe Chögyam Trungpa has unquestionably done more harm to Buddhism in the United States than any man living", and called for his extradition from the United States.[39]

    Trungpa's choice of Westerner Ösel Tendzin as his dharma heir was controversial as Tendzin would be the first Western Tibetan Buddhist lineage holder and Vajra Regent. This was exacerbated by Tendzin's own behavior as lineage holder. Tendzin was gay and sexually involved with students while knowingly carrying HIV, one of whom became infected and died.[40]

    Rick Fields, historian of Buddhism in America,[41] writes that Trungpa "caused more trouble, and did more good, than anyone I'll ever know."[42]

  • 紫微斗数大师姚宗发公开课已经公开了吗?

    作者:yzf紫微姚宗发 发布时间:2023-05-09 19:52:46



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