First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently首先,打破一切常规 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

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First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently首先,打破一切常规书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780684852867
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1999-05
  • 页数:270
  • 价格:173.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:25:46


The greatest managers in the world seem to have little in common. They differ in sex, age, and race. They employ vastly different styles and focus on different goals. Yet despite their differences, great managers share one common trait: They do not hesitate to break virtually every rule held sacred by conventional wisdom. They do not believe that, with enough training, a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to. They do not try to help people overcome their weaknesses. They consistently disregard the golden rule. And, yes, they even play favorites. This amazing book explains why.

Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman of the Gallup Organization present the remarkable findings of their massive in-depth study of great managers across a wide variety of situations. Some were in leadership positions. Others were front-line supervisors. Some were in Fortune 500 companies; others were key players in small, entrepreneurial companies. Whatever their situations, the managers who ultimately became the focus of Gallup's research were invariably those who excelled at turning each employee's talent into performance.

In today's tight labor markets, companies compete to find and keep the best employees, using pay, benefits, promotions, and training. But these well-intentioned efforts often miss the mark. The front-line manager is the key to attracting and retaining talented employees. No matter how generous its pay or how renowned its training, the company that lacks great front-line managers will suffer. Buckingham and Coffman explain how the best managers select an employee for talent rather than for skills or experience; how they set expectations for him or her -- they define the right outcomes rather than the right steps; how they motivate people -- they build on each person's unique strengths rather than trying to fix his weaknesses; and, finally, how great managers develop people -- they find the right fit for each person, not the next rung on the ladder. And perhaps most important, this research -- which initially generated thousands of different survey questions on the subject of employee opinion -- finally produced the twelve simple questions that work to distinguish the strongest departments of a company from all the rest. This book is the first to present this essential measuring stick and to prove the link between employee opinions and productivity, profit, customer satisfaction, and the rate of turnover.

There are vital performance and career lessons here for managers at every level, and, best of all, the book shows you how to apply them to your own situation.


Introductio:Breaking All the Rules

Chapter1:The Measuring Stick

Chapter2:The Wisdom of Great Managers

Chapter3:The First Key:Select for Talent

Chapter4:The Second Key:Define the Right Outcornes

Chapter5:The Third Key :Focus on Strengths

Chapter6:The Fourth Key:Find the Right Fit

Chapter7:Turning the Keys:A Practical Guide






CHAPTER 1 The Measuring Stick

* A Disaster Off the Scilly Isles

* The Measuring Stick

* Putting the Twelve to the Test

* A Case in Point

* Mountain Climbing

A Disaster Off the Scilly Isles

"What do we know to be important but are unable to measure?"

In the dense fog of a dark night in October 1707, Great Britain lost nearly an entire fleet of ships. There was no pitched battle at sea. The admiral, Clowdisley Shovell, simply miscalculated his position in the Atlantic and his flagship smashed into the rocks of the Scilly Isles, a tail of islands off the southwest coast of England. The rest of the fleet, following blindly behind, went aground and piled onto the rocks, one after another. Four warships and two thousand lives were lost.

For such a proud nation of seafarers, this tragic loss was distinctly embarrassing. But to be fair to the memory of Clowdisley Shovell, it was not altogether surprising. The concept of latitude and longitude had been around since the first century B.C. But by 1700 we still hadn't managed to devise an accurate way to measure longitude -- nobody ever knew for sure how far east or west they had traveled. Professional seamen like Clowdisley Shovell had to estimate their progress either by guessing their average speed or by dropping a log over the side of the boat and timing how long it took to float from bow to stem. Forced to rely on such crude measurements, the admiral can be forgiven his massive misjudgment.

What caused the disaster was not the admiral's ignorance, but his inability to measure something that he already knew to be critically important -- in this case longitude.

A similar drama is playing out in today's business world: many companies know that their ability to find and keep talented employees is vital to their sustained success, but they have no way of knowing whether or not they are effective at doing this.

In their book The Service Profit Chain, James Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, and Leonard Schlesinger make the case that no matter what your business, the only way to generate enduring profits is to begin by building the kind of work environment that attracts, focuses, and keeps talented employees. It is a convincing case. But the manager on the street probably didn't need convincing. Over the last twenty years most managers have come to realize their competitiveness depends upon being able to find and keep top talent in every role This is why, in tight labor markets, companies seem prepared to go to almost any lengths to prevent employees' eyes from wandering. If you work for GE, you may be one of the twenty-three thousand employees who are now granted stock options in the company. Employees of AlliedSignal and Starbucks can make use of the company concierge service when they forget that their mothers need flowers and their dachshunds need walking. And at Eddie Bauer, in-chair massages are available for all those aching backs hunched over computer terminals.

But do any of these caring carrots really work? Do they really attract and keep only the most productive employees? Or are they simply a catch-all, netting both productive employees and ROAD warriors -- the army's pithy phrase for those sleepy folk who are happy to "retire on active duty"?

The truth is, no one really knows. Why? Because even though every great manager and every great company realizes how important it is, they still haven't devised an accurate way to measure a manager's or a company's ability to find, focus, and keep talented people. The few measurements that are available -- such as employee retention figures or number of days to fill openings or lengthy employee opinion surveys -- lack precision. They are the modern-day equivalent of dropping a log over the side of the boat.

Companies and managers know they need help. What they are asking for is a simple and accurate measuring stick that can tell them how well one company or one manager is doing as compared with others, in terms of finding and keeping talented people. Without this measuring stick, many companies and many managers know they may find themselves high and dry -- sure of where they want to go but lacking the right people to get there.

And now there is a powerful new faction on the scene, demanding this simple measuring stick: institutional investors.

Institutional investors -- like the Council of Institutional Investors (CII), which manages over $1 trillion worth of stocks, and the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), which oversees a healthy $260 billion -- define the agenda for the business world. Where they lead, everyone else follows.

Institutional investors have always been the ultimate numbers guys, representing the cold voice of massed shareholders, demanding efficiency and profitability. Traditionally they focused on hard results, like return on assets and economic value added. Most of them didn't concern themselves with "soft" issues like "culture." In their minds a company's culture held the same status as public opinion polls did in Soviet Russia: superficially interesting but fundamentally irrelevant.

At least that's the way it used to be. In a recent about-face, they have started to pay much closer attention to how companies treat their people. In fact, the CII and CalPERS both met in Washington to discuss "good workplace practices...and how they can encourage the companies they invest in to value employee loyalty as an aid to productivity."

Why this newfound interest? They have started to realize that whether software designer or delivery truck driver, accountant or hotel housekeeper, the most valuable aspects of jobs are now, as Thomas Stewart describes in Intellectual Capital, "the most essentially human tasks: sensing, judging, creating, and building relationships." This means that a great deal of a company's value now lies "between the ears of its employees." And this means that when someone leaves a company, he takes his value with him -- more often than not, straight to the competition.

Today more than ever before, if a company is bleeding people, it is bleeding value. Investors are frequently stunned by this discovery. They know that their current measuring sticks do a very poor job of capturing all sources of a company's value. For example, according to Baruch Lev, professor of finance and accounting at New York University's Stern School of Business, the assets and liabilities listed on a company's balance sheet now account for only 60 percent of its real market value. And this inaccuracy is increasing. In the 1970s and 1980s, 25 percent of the changes in a company's market value could be accounted for by fluctuations in its profits. Today, according to Professor Lev, that number has shrunk to 10 percent.

The sources of a company's true value have broadened beyond rough measures of profit or fixed assets, and bean counters everywhere are scurrying to catch up. Steve Wallman, former commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, describes what they are looking for:

If we start to get further afield so that the financial statements...are measuring less and less of what is truly valuable in a company, then we start to lower the relevance of that scorecard. What we need are ways to measure the intangibles, R&D, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction. (italics ours)

Companies, managers, institutional investors, even the commissioner of the SEC -- everywhere you look, people are demanding a simple and accurate measuring stick for comparing the strength of one workplace to another. The Gallup Organization set out to build one.





Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman expose the fallacies of standard management thinking in First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. In seven chapters, the two consultants for the Gallup Organization debunk some dearly held notions about management, such as "treat people as you like to be treated"; "people are capable of almost anything"; and "a manager's role is diminishing in today's economy." "Great managers are revolutionaries," the authors write. "This book will take you inside the minds of these managers to explain why they have toppled conventional wisdom and reveal the new truths they have forged in its place."

The authors have culled their observations from more than 80,000 interviews conducted by Gallup during the past 25 years. Quoting leaders such as basketball coach Phil Jackson, Buckingham and Coffman outline "four keys" to becoming an excellent manager: Finding the right fit for employees, focusing on strengths of employees, defining the right results, and selecting staff for talent--not just knowledge and skills. First, Break All the Rules offers specific techniques for helping people perform better on the job. For instance, the authors show ways to structure a trial period for a new worker and how to create a pay plan that rewards people for their expertise instead of how fast they climb the company ladder. "The point is to focus people toward performance," they write. "The manager is, and should be, totally responsible for this." Written in plain English and well organized, this book tells you exactly how to improve as a supervisor. --Dan Ring


Harriet Johnson Brackey Miami Herald Finally, something definitive about what makes for a great workplace. -- Review


The greatest managers in the world seem to have little in common. They differ in sex, age, and race. They employ vastly different styles and focus on different goals. Yet despite their differences, great managers share one common trait: They do not hesitate to break virtually every rule held sacred by conventional wisdom. They do not believe that, with enough training, a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to. They do not try to help people overcome their weaknesses. They consistently disregard the golden rule. And, yes, they even play favorites. This amazing book explains why. Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman of the Gallup Organization present the remarkable findings of their massive in-depth study of great managers across a wide variety of situations. Some were in leadership positions. Others were front-line supervisors. Some were in Fortune 500 companies; others were key players in small, entrepreneurial companies. Whatever their situations, the managers who ultimately became the focus of Gallup's research were invariably those who excelled at turning each employee's talent into performance. In today's tight labor markets, companies compete to find and keep the best employees, using pay, benefits, promotions, and training. But these well-intentioned efforts often miss the mark. The front-line manager is the key to attracting and retaining talented employees. No matter how generous its pay or how renowned its training, the company that lacks great front-line managers will suffer. Buckingham and Coffman explain how the best managers select an employee for talent rather than for skills or experience; how they set expectations for him or her -- they define the right outcomes rather than the right steps; how they motivate people -- they build on each person's unique strengths rather than trying to fix his weaknesses; and, finally, how great managers develop people -- they find the right fit for each person, not the next rung on the ladder. And perhaps most important, this research -- which initially generated thousands of different survey questions on the subject of employee opinion -- finally produced the twelve simple questions that work to distinguish the strongest departments of a company from all the rest. This book is the first to present this essential measuring stick and to prove the link between employee opinions and productivity, profit, customer satisfaction, and the rate of turnover. There are vital performance and career lessons here for managers at every level, and, best of all, the book shows you how to apply them to your own situation.


  • 作者:南天门 发布时间:2013-12-26 13:15:49


  • 作者:huang_w 发布时间:2013-01-13 16:26:19


  • 作者:√576 发布时间:2023-08-07 10:56:51


  • 作者:Initial_X 发布时间:2014-10-09 09:07:39

    据说是管理入门经典。conventional wisdom有四条做法,however,great managers却有另外的对应四条做法。12个最重要的管理测评问题。一个核心:将每个员工区别对待(人尽其才,而不是试图改进缺点)

  • 作者:PK 发布时间:2011-02-10 13:12:37


  • 作者:我在故我思 发布时间:2017-03-07 05:21:22



  • 《首先,打破一切常规》摘要与心得

    作者:麦机长 发布时间:2012-05-20 09:44:20


    * 帮助一个员工的最好办法是促使他克服缺点。

    * 对员工一视同仁,以免被人指责为偏袒。

    * 一个经理的最大贡献就是让每个人对自身感到心情舒畅。

    * 对人的提拔不要过头。

    * 千万不要推卸责任。

    * 帮助所有的员工不脱离其天生优势而更上一层楼。

    * 因人而异地对待员工。

    * 与员工交朋友。

    * 如果一家公司在流失员工,那它就是在流逝价值。

    * 测量一个工作场所的优势,可以简化为十二个问题:1,我知道对我的工作要求吗?2,我有做好我的工作所需要的材料和设备吗?3,在工作中,我每天都有机会做我最擅长做的事吗?4,在过去的七天里,我因工作出色而受到表扬吗?5,我觉得我的主管或同事关心我的个人情况吗?6,工作单位有人鼓励我的发展吗?7,在工作中,我觉得我的意见受到重视吗?8,公司的使命/目标是我觉得我的工作重要吗?9,我的同事们致力于高质量的工作吗?10,我在工作单位有一个最要好的朋友吗?11,在过去的六个月内,工作单位有人和我谈及我的进步吗?12,过去一年里,我在工作中有机会学习和成长吗?

    * 良好的工作场所既能吸引和留住效率最高的员工,又能吓跑那些“在职退休”的员工。

    * 在大部分情况下,员工对工作环境的看法主要取决于他们的顶头上司。

    * 如果你有员工流失的问题,就应该首先看看你的经理们。

    * 经理决定你的工作环境,并时刻影响这种环境。

    * 一家公司所能拥有的最有价值的资产之一就是员工的“大度”。如果员工愿意给予公司这种大度,他们就会配合公司的每一个新举措,使其有望通过努力而获得成功,而无论这一举措有多么敏感和多大争议。

    * 公司不是只有一种文化,而是有多少个经理就有多少种文化。

    * 优秀的一线经理激励员工敬业,而敬业员工成为取得最佳业绩的可靠基础。

    * 革新是一种能够应用于实际的标新立异。

    * 要进行革新,并把这些新点子用于实际,你就必须关注真确的期待;你就必须对自己的专长充满信心;你还必须对你周围的人是否接受你的新点子做到心中有数。

    * 要建立一个良好而充满活力的工作场所,关键在于满足员工在奉献和归属方面的各种要求。

    * 如果员工们较低层面的需求长期得不到解决,那么你此后为他们做的所有事都将毫无意义。

    * 改造一个人是有限度的。

    * 人的天性是不会改变的。

    * 经理的作用在于深入员工的内心,释放其独特才敢,继而创造优秀业绩。

    * 一名经理必须把这四件事做的非常漂亮:选拔人、提出要求、激励他、培养他。

    * 健全的公司在每个经理与员工之间建立牢固的纽带。如果经理在选拔员工上没有发言权,如果他不对员工当前的成功和未来的成长投资,那么,这种纽带就会枯萎。

    * 做好任何工作都需要才干。

    * 优秀经理将才干定义为一种“贯穿始终,并能产生效益的思维、感觉和行为模式”。

    * 才干胜过经验、智力和意志,是在每一个职位取得成功的先决条件。

    * 才干是业绩的根本动力。

    * 【要不断尝试打破困境,要不断挑战自己。】

    * 一个员工最宝贵的优点之一,就是愿意通过学习和自律来改变自己。

    * 【大脑是自然界最神奇最伟大的作品,别浪费了!】

    * 盼望个性消失是没有意义的。有意义的工作是去培育个性。

    * 世界上有两种知识:一种是事实性的,就是你知道的事情;另一种是经验性的,就是你从实践中获得的各种理解。

    * 才干的三种基本分类:奋斗、思维和交往。

    * 技能与知识的威力在于它们能从一个人传播给另一个人;它们的缺点在于它们经常受场合的限制,当不能预见的情况发生时,它们就很难派上用场。

    * 简单的语言,聪明的思维。

    * 如果认为提高效率的唯一办法是改变一个人的天性,那就可能酿成大错。

    * 态度构成一个人贯穿始终的思维、感觉或行为模式的一部分。

    * 【始于兴趣的动力比始于压力的动力更有力也更持久。】

    * 一个人的动力和他的基本态度都是才干,因此很难改变。

    * 作为经理,你必须了解你需要什么样的才干。

    * 在销售上,成功与失败的唯一区别在于优秀销售人员并不被内心的恐惧所摧毁。

    * 选拔才干是经理的首要职责。

    * 优秀人才需要优秀经理来帮助他们变才干为业绩。

    * 在现实世界里,从A点到B点的捷径通常并不是一条直线,而始终是一条阻力最小的路线。

    * 将才干化为绩效的最有效的办法就是帮助员工找到对他来说阻力最小的达标途径。

    * 界定正确的结果确实对员工的要求很高,但恐怕没有更好的办法来培养员工的自我意识和独立的工作能力。

    * 许多经理经常受到一种错误观点的诱惑,那就是干每件工作都有“一个最好的方法”并且可以把它教给每个人。

    * 当一个经理最难的方面是员工做事的方式和自己不一样,但是你一定要习惯这一点。

    * 推动员工创造业绩时,千万别要求他们十全十美。

    * 疑心是关系到未来的。

    * 多疑是一种永久的病症。

    * 即使最无形的表现也可以从结果的角度加以界定。

    * 不应该把公司文化写成条文。

    * 经理面临的挑战不是使员工十全十美,而是发挥每个人的独特优势。

    * 涉及准时和安全时,员工必须遵守操作规程。

    * 无限制的放权可能毁掉公司。

    * 当步骤是公司或行业标准的一部分时,每个员工必须严格执行。

    * 标准有助于创新。

    * 标准就是人们进行协作和发明的规则。

    * 努力推广自己的标准,以求吸引足够的使用者,继而成为唯一的标准。

    * 唯有在不掩盖所需结果的前提下,规定步骤才是有效的。

    * 规定步骤只是防止不满意,它们并不能驱动顾客满意度。

    * 消费者期待:准确、便捷、伙伴关系和咨询。

    * 结果是关键。

    * 关注结果是一回事,思考什么结果是正确的结果却是另一回事。

    * 无论你想什么,如果顾客觉得某个结果没有价值,那它就是没有价值。

    * 消费者调查是一种探寻消费者感受的更先进的方式。

    * 公司的使命应是持之以恒的。

    * 人与人是不同的。每个人都有其独特的才干,独特的行为方式、激情与向往模式。每个人的才干模式都是持之以恒,不易改变。因此说,每个人都有其独特的人生旅程。

    * 对于优秀经理来说,最有意义和最有影响的差别是个人之间的差别,而不是种族之间的差别。

    * 专注于弥补欠缺的坚持不懈是白费力气。

    * 根据才干来分配工作是优秀经理的一个成功秘诀。

    * 每个人都会在某些方面具有卓越的才干。

    * 对每个员工提出独特的期望。

    * 强调并完善每个人的独特风格。

    * 为每个员工排除外部干扰。

    * 一个经理的工作就是鼓励他人重复有成效的行为,同时抑制其它无成效的行为。

    * 错误地放置你的时间和注意力不是一种中性的行为。没有消息永远不是好消息。没有消息会扼杀你想倍增的那些行为。

    * 把时间和精力花在明星员工身上是因为:第一,这样做最公平;其次,这是最有成效的学习方法;第三,这是追求卓越的唯一途径。

    * “平均思维”不仅使经理远离卓越和明星员工,而且,危害更大的是“平均思维”将会损害一个经理的最大努力——它会严重地限制业绩。

    * 发挥优势不等于盲目乐观。

    * 假如一个员工的表现出现差错,也许是你用错了对他的激励手段;或许,一旦你扣动不同的扳机,这个员工的真正才干会重新释放。也许你应该对他的欠佳表现负责。在你采取任何行动前,先考虑一下这种可能性。

    * 只有三种可能的办法帮助一个人取得成功:发明一个支持系统;找一个互补的合伙人;或者换一个职位。

    * 每个员工都期待升职,并希望你能够帮他一把。

    * 帮助每一个雇员找到最适合他的职位。

    * 不管员工想得到的是什么,经理的责任就是要将他们引到最有可能取得成功的职位上。

    * 一级(职位)未必通往另一级。

    * 为什么不在每个职位上创造英雄?

    * 各个职位的卓越表现需要截然不同的才干。

    * 在提升一名员工之前,务必细心地观察一下,在这个职位上创优需要什么样的才干。

    * 最理想的工资计划应允许公司根据员工在各自职位上所表现出的实际能力成比例地支付报酬。

    * 任何工资计划都必须考虑价值差异。

    * 由于工资宽幅浮动,我们就能将一个职位上的顶级业绩区别于平庸表现,并予以重奖。

    * 有了相互重叠的工资带,宽带工资制减慢了盲目而疲惫的攀登。

    * 自我发现是职业健康发展的驱动和引导力量。

    * 自我发现的目的在于了解自己,从而利用自身优势。它要求你控制自身职业发展,做出明智的决定,并且选择越来越适合你天生才干的职位。

    * 让赛场变得更加公平。

    * 【不要轻易对一个员工下定论。】

    * 每次谈话开始都要简要回顾一下员工过去的表现,在总结之后,大家就将注意力转到将来,以及员工如何利用自身工作方式来提高效益。

    * 优秀经理强调一对一地进行个别反馈。

    * 如果你知道他并不具备所需才干,就不应向他提供试用期。

    * 对才干的理解使得经理们不必埋怨员工。

    * 坚持工作高水准和关爱员工,并有效地运作。

    * 选拔才干、界定结果、发挥优势、因才适用。

    * 唯有反复发生的过去行为才能预测未来行为。

    * 顶级推销员推销的是他们自己。

    * 简单、频繁互动、关注未来和自我监测是成功的“绩效管理”常规的基础。

    * 没有一名经理能强求员工出效率,经理只是催化剂。

    * 优秀经理对每一名有才干的员工的期待:1,多照镜子;2,沉思;3,自我发现;4,建立支持网络;5,跟踪监测;6,关注同事的成功事例。

    * 如果你的经理忙得无暇与你讨论你的绩效或目标,不妨帮他安排一次绩效计划会。

    * 如果你的经理强迫你像他那样做事,他可能过于关注过程,你应寻找时机,告诉他,你希望更多地通过结果而不是步骤来界定你的工作。

    * 如果你的经理表扬/批评你的方式或时机不当,你可以建议其它方案。

    * 如果你的经理反复问你感觉如何,或企图干涉,你就不妨暗示这样于事无补。

    * 如果你的经理始终无视你、怀疑你,你有成绩他抢功,他有过失就怨你,或者对你毫无尊重,那就快些离开他。

    * 在员工看来,经理的确比公司影响大。

  • 非专业人士的管理启蒙书,专业人士的枕边参考书

    作者:悠斋吴越 发布时间:2006-07-27 22:14:11










    1、 我知道对我的工作要求。

    2、 我有做好我的工作所需要的材料和设备。

    3、 在工作中,我每天都有机会做我最擅长做的事。

    4、 在过去的七天里,我因工作出色而受到表扬。

    5、 我觉得我的主管或同事关心我的个人情况。

    6、 工作单位有 人鼓励我的发展。

    7、 在工作中,我觉得我的意见受重视。

    8、 公司的使命/目标使我觉得我的工作重要。

    9、 我的同事们致力于高质量的工作。

    10、 我在工作单位有一个最要好的朋友。

    11、 在过去的六个月内,工作单位有人和我谈及我的进步。

    12、 在过去的一个里,我在工作中有机会学习和成长。



    “在知识资本时代,最有价值的工作是以人为本的;其内容是感知、判断、创造和建立各种关系。” ——托马斯·斯图尔特《知识资本》

    知识经济时代的经理要发挥“催化剂”作用。通过加速员工才干与公司目标之间, 以及员工才干与客户需要之间的反应,来帮助每个员工创造业绩。

    在职位上的“业绩等级制” →“宽带工资制”



    工作成绩突出的低职位比表现平平的高职位更有价值! 这才是真正的“以人为本”——以人的能力为本。


    1、 由于工资的宽幅浮动,我们就能将一个职位上的顶尖业绩区别于平庸表现,并予以重奖。

    2、 因为有了这种相互重叠的工资带,它减慢了员工盲目而疲惫的“职位攀登”,而能够专心致力于专业技能技术的提高。


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