智汇书屋 -Do What You Are
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Do What You Are书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780316167260
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-3-21
  • 页数:416
  • 价格:USD 18.99
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:32:47


Already a classic in the genre, DoWhat You Are has helped hundreds of thousands of people find truly satisfying work. Do What You Are introduces Personality Type - how you process information, make decisions and interact with the world around you - and shows you which of the 16 types describes you best. It lists dozens of occupations that are popular with people of your type. Then, using workbook exercises and real-life examples to highlight the strengths and pitfalls of each personality type, it shows you step-by-step how touse your unique strengths to customise your job search,ensuring the best results in the shortest period of time.And if you plan to stay in your job, Do What You Are provides savvy advice for getting the most out of your current career.Every other career guide offers generic, one-size-fits-all advice. But because it is based on personality type, Do What You Are helps you determine what you need to be more successful and satisfied.










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As an INTP, career satisfaction means doing work that:

1. Lets me develop, analyze, and critique new ideas

2. Lets me focus my attention and energy on a creative, theoretical, and logical process, rather than on an end product

3. Is challenging and deals with complex problems, where I am able to try unconventional approaches, and take risks to find the best solution.

4. Lets me work independently with plenty of quiet, private tome to concentrate and complete my thinking process

5. Lets me set and maintain my own high standards for my work and determine how my performance will be evaluated and compensated.

6. Is done in a flexible,nonstructured environment, without useless rules excessive limitations, or unnecessary meetings.

7. Lets me interact with a small group of highly regarded friend...

· If possible, delegate routine or mundane tasks to others.

. Make sure you have enough uninterrupted time to develop your ideas and think things through

. Find other creative people to bounce your ideas off.

. Work a different shift or arrange more flexible hours

. Make sure you have influence over the hiring of your direct-reports

. Try to find support people who are organized and good with details

. Take courses and seminars to continue to expand your expertise and credentials

. Change your focus id bored or not challenged

. Develop a "critical friends" group to critique each other's ideas and plans

. Try to surround yourself with other whose talent and competence you respect

. Eagerness to "think outside the box"

. Ability to understand very complex and highly abstract ideas

. Great creative problem-solving skills

. Independence; courage to take risks, try new things, and overcome obstacles

. Ability to synthesize lots of information

. Intellectual curiosity and skills for getting information you need

. Ability to analyze things logically even under stress

. Great confidence and drive to continually increase your knowledge

. Objectivity; ability to address issues without taking them personally

. Confidence in your ideas and vision

. Ability ti see the big picture; to see implications of actions and ideas

. Adaptability; you can shift gears and change directions quickly

. Tendency toward disorganization

. Overconfidence; you may misrepresent your abilities or experience

. Impatience with unimaginative and/ or incompetent people

. Dislike of doing things in traditional or established manner

. Tendency to lose interest in projects once problems are solved

. Difficulty communicating complex ideas simply

. Tendency to be so theoretical that you ignore or miss the realities

. Undisciplined about attending to and following through on important details

. Dislike of doing repetitive tasks

. Impatience with structures and people who are too rigid



Already a classic in the genre, DoWhat You Are has helped hundreds of thousands of people find truly satisfying work. Do What You Are introduces Personality Type - how you process information, make decisions and interact with the world around you - and shows you which of the 16 types describes you best. It lists dozens of occupations that are popular with people of your type. Then, using workbook exercises and real-life examples to highlight the strengths and pitfalls of each personality type, it shows you step-by-step how touse your unique strengths to customise your job search,ensuring the best results in the shortest period of time.And if you plan to stay in your job, Do What You Are provides savvy advice for getting the most out of your current career.Every other career guide offers generic, one-size-fits-all advice. But because it is based on personality type, Do What You Are helps you determine what you need to be more successful and satisfied.


  • 作者:A 发布时间:2012-11-12 13:14:12

    非常有用,simple and lucid,对人格论也有了一些基本的认识。

  • 作者:饮冰 发布时间:2014-07-06 16:53:45


  • 作者:Ying 发布时间:2012-01-14 06:19:13

    MBTI在职场面的应用 结构很清楚 内容很丰富 观点很靠谱 而且可以作为MBTI进阶性的读物

  • 作者:倒理 发布时间:2019-12-25 14:22:23


  • 作者:Vicky 发布时间:2013-01-06 19:35:29


  • 作者:kiki77 发布时间:2011-12-17 08:30:53

    good examples for different types.


  • Do what you are (MBTI 职业规划)-devil in the details

    作者:雪地里的水煮蛋 发布时间:2012-09-17 01:06:48

    Do what you are (MBTI 职业规划)

    devil in the details

    数学化的考虑4个维度(4-dimensional space), 每个维度可以有一个数量between 0 and 1, 比如可以规定0=I, 1=E这样。每个人的性格可以被表达为4d cube空间里面的一个点,然后用0.5作为cutoff,categorized to a discrete measure,成为16种类型里面的一种。这本书没有给survey来测试在每个维度的具体数值。假定有2个数据点都是3/10 for I, 7/10 for E吧,这个不代表两人都在10个问题的同样三个问题里面都回答了yes。就是说,同样是外向性格,但是表现还是不同。如果是discretized 自然精度更低了。然后当然了,没有考虑measurement error,随机的和系统的。。。

    以上这个point 让我理解的是为什么同样16个类型中的一种,仍然表现会非常不同。鉴于对别人的观察只能是根据其表象来,就算知道一个人的大类型,想具体的判断出某人在某环境下会如何反应,仍然是很难。

    书里对环境和性格的关系说明是这样的(这个问题我一直觉得没看见什么地方回答好):不同环境下行为会不同但是性格是一样的 --- 假定说行为是可以被观察的表象,那么外人怎么知道性格其实是一样的?(跟这句话的区别是:我不管你表面看起来怎么健康,我说你病了你就是病了!!)




    大概04-05年左右在职场一些牛人指导下看过Please understand me的两个版本。那时候看书看的非常少,觉得对理解自己基本用处很少(不如your strongest self系列有用)但是对理解维度对面的人很有用。可以说是增加对“跟自己不同的人”增加了appreciation。别人想法跟自己不同不是别人sb或者错了,在不同情况下这个或者那个视角更有优势。判断什么时候怎么用是一辈子的修行。

    看看要避免哪些弱点。我自己测试过是istj,但是除了内向是100%其他都颇有点模糊,最近5年也有意训练了一下自己的弱项(或者说模糊的维度),在有些维度上自我感觉变化不小(but self assessment is always dubious anyway从最先测试结果到现在,我都持持非常保守的态度)

    选择职业方向上,可以大致浏览涵盖哪些行业(again, this is no longer helpful to me...)但是每个工种具体要做哪些工作,里面哪些自己很喜欢,哪些不喜欢,这个不具体问这个行业的人甚至问prospective employer, 根本就不可能知道么。引用amazon review里面一个例子,如果喜欢安安静静做科学但是不喜欢写东西,那么当个经常要申请grant的faculty只怕就很痛苦。但是一本书里面自然也无法对每个职业都详细到这个地步 --- 事实上任何一个个人,任何一本书都没法告诉你。只能是看看大致什么方向靠谱,然后多找这个行业的人问问,提具体的问题,甚至观察人家的工作,去实习或者义务帮忙一下,亲自看看。再者,同一个job title在不同组织里面做的事情也完全不同。不同老板这一条就决定很多貌似名称一样的事情做起来决然的不同。事实上我现在做的工作就是在我这个类型的推荐工种里面。但是种种的原因做的不愉快。

    Details, nuance也不指望一本书能讲清楚。统一把计算机类工作划一起貌似没有太大用。HCI跟游戏设计,跟算法,数据库什么的相差不要太远。

    广博的浏览,保持好奇心,多多提问,仔细听别人的回答仔细的观察,亲自尝试实践,然后深刻沉静的内省(向自己的五脏六腑提问) --- 我觉得这样对我来说更actionable.


  • 直接大声说推荐

    作者:天天 发布时间:2012-12-09 03:53:11


    If you're in the right job, you should:

    ●Look forward to going to work

    ●Feel energized (most of the time) by what you do

    ●Feel your contribution is respected and appreciated

    ●Feel proud when describing your work to others

    ●Enjoy and respect the people you work with

    ●Feel optimistic about your future




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