智汇书屋 -英美外刊超精读
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》英美外刊超精读电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787811337914
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-7-1
  • 页数:282
  • 价格:52.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:46:47

















  • 作者:零度。领悟 发布时间:2012-09-23 23:01:01


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  • 关于本书的一些想法

    作者:Pastorale 发布时间:2021-05-11 20:51:13


    Scratching at Beauty

    : 叙述了有着数学训练背景的文学评论家 Empson 的一生和理论。文章对他的文艺主张,有着凝练的表述,非常值得读。

    How Russia Really Won:

    准确说,该文章是一篇书评。主要介绍了历史学家Dominic Lieven 对托尔斯泰与帝俄的史观。作者的文笔非常凝练、准确。是非常好的仿写榜样。

    What Will Globalization Do to Languages?:


    A New Way to measure Word-of-mouth Marketing:


    Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young:


    As Harvard Goes:



    1. Canada: The Danger of Dependence

    1. The commission seems to feel that the ailment had been picked up largely from a lack of Canadian resistance to their low-grade cultural germs, such a soup operas, Hollywood banalities, pulp magazines and other commercialized peddling to mass tastes.

    ailment: n. an illness that is not very serious.

    germ: n. a very small thing that make you ill.

    banal: adj. ordinary but not interesting.

    peddle: v. to sell goods to people, especially goods that people disapprove of.

    2. Canada, the commissioner conceded, has gained much from the US in higher culture ( e.g. symphony broadcasts, Guggenheim fellowship, better magazines, etc.) The question is whether she has gained too much for her own good.

    concede: v. to admit something is true or correct, although you wish it were not true. (让步性质地)承认


    Montreal Herald

    , " A sparsely populated country adjoining a heavily populated country and sharing the same speech and largely the same cultural origin must expect to be dominated for a time.

    sparsely: adj. only in small amounts

    adjoin: v. a room, building, or piece of land that adjoins something is next to it and connected to it.

    2. Is a Dolphin a Person

    Defining exactly what it means to be a person is difficult, but dolphins seem to fit the checklist many philosophers agree on: They are alive, aware of their environment and have emotions-those ones are easy. But they also seem to have personalities, exhibits self-controlled behaviour and treat others appropriately, even ethically.

    darn: adv. used to emphasize how bad, stupid, unfair etc someone or something is.


    captive: adj. kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave.


    stack: a neat pile of things 堆栈

    3.Scratching at Beauty

    1. Empson became the grand panjadrum of the New Criticism, which claimed that a work of literature could best be understood by a detailed analysis of its language.

    2. Empson brought a mathematician's mind to literature. He studies mathematics for four years at Cambridge before he switched to English literature, found he could tick off literacy and analogies as effortlessly as the multiplication tables.

    analogy: n. something that seems similar between two situations, processes etc. 类比;相似之处。

    eg. analogies between human and animal behaviour

    tick off: 打记号; 证明… 与… 一样

    literacy: 读写能力

    3.Not even the simplest lines escaped Empson's scrutiny.

    4. Empson's latest work,

    Milton's God

    , a vast retreat from the crisp analysis of this earlier writing, is less literacy criticism than a diatribe against Christianity.

    crisp: adj. if someone behaves or speaks in a crisp way, they are confident, polite, and firm, but not very friendly. 脆的;干脆利落的(形容人)

    eg. Her tone was crisp and businesslike.

    diatribe: v. a long speech or piece of writing that criticizes someone or something very severely. 谴责

    jovial: adj. friendly and happy

    Empson's endless explications are often ingenious, just as often capricious, "unexplained beauty always arouse an interest in me" absent once irreverently wrote.

    ingenious: adj. an ingenious plan, idea, or object works well and is the result of clever thinking and new ideas. 精巧的;有创意的。

    capricious: adj. likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way. 反复无常;任性的


    How Russia Really Won

    1. Tolstoy, writes Dominic Lieven, was not only a wonderful novelist, he was also the mythmaker who shaped the perception of Russia's role for years to come.

    2. In Lieven's view, the strange thing about Tolstoy's version of history is not that it exaggerates Russia's role in that era, but it played it down.

    play down = underestimate

    3. In creating favorable impression of the campaign, the tsar was helped not only by propaganda but by the remarkably disciplined behavior of his troops who neither stole nor marauded as they advanced through Europe.

    maraud: [ ma 'r9: d ]打劫

    4. Although mister Lieven does not popularize history, he inevitably touches the nerve points of modern power politics. His book is a timely reminder of Russia's deep-rooted in European security and its past ability to pursue these interests with grace, honour, discipline and professionalism.

    touch the nerve: 触碰…的神经(重点)

    5. Conducted outside Russia's borders by commanders with distinctly foreign names, the 1813-14 campaign does not fit with national mythology. But it demonstrates the strength of Russia's multi-ethnic empire on the depths of its integration in Europe affairs and security.

    6. Mister leaven is no less gripping when he writes about the crucial issues of logistics.

    He zooms in and out of battlefield,

    examines the quality of the uniforms and the condition of weapons, creating historic canvas that is both overwhelming and meticulous.

    no less gripping: 同样的扣人心弦

    historic canvas that is both overwhelming and meticulous:气势恢宏又细致入微的历史画面。

    7. The irony is that although mister Lieven contests Tolstoy's artistic version of history, his book also revels in it.

    revel in: to spend time dancing, eating, drinking etc, especially at a party. 沉溺于

    contest: v. to say formally that you do not accept something or do not agree with it 质疑


    What Will Globalization Do to Languages?

    1. It's obvious that globalized communications and popular culture will tense to homogeneous local language very varieties, but some varieties of English seem to be diverging more rapidly than ever.

    homogenize[ ha 'mad3a. nalZ ]:同化

    diaspora: 侨民

    2. Less dire versions of the same process have been happening elsewhere in Europe. Anyone who has been in Barcelona recently knows that the dominance of Catalan there have been officially acknowledged and the Spain's ratification of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages has also led to co-official status for Basque and Catalan in their regions.

    dire: adj. extremely serious or terrible 极其严重的;极其糟糕的

    Catalan: 加泰罗尼亚

    ratification: n. 签署

    --------à ratify: to make a written document official by signing it.

    3. Paradoxically, the force that feeds "regional and minority" throughout Europe was exactly the economic and political unification by the poster child of globalization, the European Union.

    poster child:海报上的形象

    4. If you are going to combine many countries with different national languages-and do it by political compromise rather than military conquest- then you cannot impose any single national language on that result. And once you admit a dozen or so national languages to official status in the resulting union, why not throw in a hundred more - even if the local nation -states have been busily trying to promote national unity by suppressing them for the past few centuries?

    6.Wars and Laws

    1. A bid to enforce one of the biggest awards of compensation to victim of war time looting is now considered by Canada's supreme court.

    loot: v. to steal things especially from shops or homes that have been damaged in a war or riot

    2. As the history of the 20th century shows, evidence of plunder that meets legal standards is hard to collect in the chaos of war and against the background of even graver horrors. Among the myriad Nazi crimes against Jews was the creation of bogus bills of sales or forced transfers of property. Unraveling such documents is still keeping lawyers busy.

    myriad/ˈmɪriəd/: adj. very many 无数的;大量的

    bogus/ˈbəʊɡəs /: not true or real, although someone is trying to make you think it is伪造的

    unravel: v. to understand or explain something that is mysterious or complicated 解密澄清

    3. In other cases, the reason seems to be spite: Russia refuse to hands back, for example, Estonia's presidential seal and regalia, seized during the annexation in 1940.

    spite: adj. to deliberately annoy or upset someone 蓄意的;恶意的

    7.The Neanderthal- Human Split: Ancient History

    1. But would these first humans have been anatomically just like us?

    2. Weaver and colleagues, Charles and Roseman and Chris Stringer created a model to determine how long it would have taken genetic drift to create cranial differences observed between Neanderthal and modern human.

    3. Now that scientists have a better idea on when Neanderthals split from humans they can zone in on which species might have been our common ancestor. They do this mostly by process of elimination.

    zone in on: 转而专注

    process of elimination: 排除法

    4. It's just gratifying.

    gratifying: 令人满意的

    5.The results also reinforce the conclusion that it is unlikely that Neanderthals contributed substantially to modern human gene pool.

    substantial: adj. large in amount or number

    8. Innovation Lessons from the 1930s

    1. Recent turmoil in global financial markets and its spill over into the real economy have generated considerable interest in Great Depression there much to be fascinated with those in parallels (banking failures, a large spike in real estate foreclosures, and global uncertainty, for example) and the points of contrast (such as the speed and coordination of the response of central banks and finance ministries in 2008.)

    spillover: n. the effect that one situation or problem has on another situation

    spike: v. if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large

    amount 激增

    2. Can the business practice of the 1930s yield useful lessons for executives setting priorities in today's uncertain and evolving environment?

    countercyclical: /ˌkaʊntəˈsɪklɪkəl, / 反周期性的

    volatity: 波动

    preceding : 之前的

    proxy :adj. used to show that you do not like something, or do not think it is big

    or important代表

    patent:/ˈpeɪtnt, / 专利


    3. Furthermore, patent applications were far more synchronized with the business cycle during the Depression, when the cycle was extremely volatile, then they had been during the ‘20s, when economic conditions were buoyant.


    9.Stocks: The Real Post-Meltdown Victors


    1. The data demonstrates that despite a tumultuous year, much stays the same on Wall Street.

    tumultuous: /tjuːˈmʌltʃuəs/full of activity, confusion, or violence. 嘈杂狂暴的

    2. There is no doubt the financial sector, and many financial firms, took a big hit from the financial crisis.



    Massive Shareholder Dilution

    This rebound is not necessarily a good sign for financial firms' shareholders. To replenish their balance sheets, big banks, these with hundreds of millions of new shares that also accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from the US Treasury,

    those capital

    infusions deluded current shareholders stakes significantly.

    dilute: v. to make a quality, belief etc weaker or less effective 稀释

    rebound: v. if prices, values etc rebound, they increase again after decreasing

    eg. Share prices rebounded today after last week’s losses.

    replenish: v. to put new supplies into something, or to fill something again 补充

    4. “So much of the competition has eliminated,“ O’Rouke says. These banks have short term problems, he says,” but in long term, they are going to be entrenched enterprise.”

    entrenched: adj. strongly established and not likely to change 根深蒂固的

    10. A New Way to measure Word-of-mouth Marketing

    1. Marketers may spend millions of dollars on elaborately conceived advertising campaigns, yet often what really makes up a consumer's is not only simple also free: a word of mouth recommendation from a trusted source.

    2. As consumers overwhelmed by product choices tune out the ever-growing barrage of traditional marketing, word of mouth cuts through the noise quickly and effectively.

    tune out: to ignore or stop listening to someone or something 无视

    barrage: n. a lot of criticism, questions, complaints etc that are said at the same time, or very quickly one after another 火力网

    3. And its influence will probably grow: the digital revolution has amplified and accelerated its reach to the point where word of mouth is no longer an act of intimate one -to-one communication. Today it also operates on one-to-many basis: product with views are posted online and opinions disseminated through social network.

    disseminate: v. /dɪˈseməneɪt/ to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible. 传播

    4. “Word-of-mouth equity” - an index of a brand’s power to generate messages that influence the consumer’s decision to purchase. Understanding how and why messages work allows marketers to craft a coordinated, consistent response that reaches the right people with right content in the right setting.

    5. This tectonic power shifts towards consumers reflects the way people now make purchasing decisions. Once consumers make a decision to buy a product, they start with an initial consideration set of France for formed through product experience, recommendations, or awareness building marketing.

    tectonic: 地壳的;翻天覆地的

    awareness-building marketing: 有意识培养的营销

    11.Hedge Funds and Private Equity


    1. Few politicians have a good word for hedge funds and private equity in the European Union, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, which attempts to bring the two industries into the regulatory net,is lumbering through the system.

    lumber: v. to move in a slow awkward way 匍匐

    regulatory: n. /ˌ reɡjələtɔːri/ adj. a regulatory authority has the official power to control an activity and to make sure that it is done in a satisfactory way 管理的


    But it appears that administration’s aims are more narrow

    . Banks can run hedge funds and act as prime brokers to them, as long as they do not invest in them or alongside them. And banks will still be able to raise money for private-equity funds, although that business had already dropped sharply from its peak as a result of financial crisis.

    3. In terms of risk management, this seems a rather odd distinction,

    odd distinction: 奇怪的特点

    14. When Individuals Don’t Matter

    1. First, managers extrapolate individual behavior to explain collective behavior. What they miss is that you cannot understand the behavior of a complex system, let alone manage it, by analyzing a few key individuals. Early in my career as an equity research analyst on Wall Street, I was told that earnings per share is the key to a company's stock price. (

    Investors, executives and the media still beat that drum.

    ) But then I saw studies by financial economists who concluded on that cash flow, not earnings, drives the stock price. The earning camps listened to what people talked about day to day in the investment community, on television, and in the Wall Street Journal’s pages. By contrast, the economists looked at how the market behaved.

    One group focused on the components, the other on the aggregate.

    extrapolate: kˈstræpəleɪt/ to use facts about the present or about one thing or group to make a guess about the future or about other things or groups. 推测;判定

    aggregate: /ˈæɡrɪɡət/ n. [countable] the total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together. 总数

    beat the drum:鼓吹

    collective/individual behaviour: 集体/个人行为

    2. The latter was the better approach. Research in experimental economics, for example, shows that markets can generate efficient prices, even when each participant has limited information. Just as watching one ant won't help you understand colony’s behavior, listening to individual investors will give you scans insight into the market. It can even be harmful for executives to heed individuals, who generally

    dwell on earnings, rather than collectives,

    which tend to appreciate cash flow.

    experimental economics: 实验经济学

    scant: adj. not enough 不足的;欠缺的

    dwell on: 总是想着

    17. Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young.

    1. The angry so-called mobs at these town halls may have sniffed out the Kabuki courtship dance taking between Big Insurance and the Obama administration. Two months back, these two parties were holding hands at the White House, hell bent on getting health reform done fast-and before the public caught on to some pesky details.

    courtship: n. special behaviour used by animals to attract each other for sex 求偶

    pesky: adj. annoying

    2. What polishes this plum even more is that the new clients these companies will pluck from the ranks of 45 million uninsured Americans will tilt towards healthy people who are young and working, a group relatively inexpensive to cover and a fount of revenue and profit.

    plum: n. 李子,令人艳羡之物。

    mandate:n. if a government or official has a mandate to make important decisions,

    they have the authority to make the decisions because they have been elected by the

    people to do so. 授权;命令。

    tilt: v. if an opinion or situation tilts, or if something tilts it, it changes so that people start to prefer one person, belief, or action to others. Eg. Crisis situations tend to tilt the balance of power in favour of the president. 倾斜

    3. After all, they already make good money, even on cash-strapped Medicaid, he told me.

    Maybe that's why insurers seem to wink at the barrage of criticism politicians are serving up as real meat to the voters.

    They tacitly support health reform and are eager to count the swelling ranks of indentured beneficiaries who will be subject to their escalating premiums, bureaucratic hassles, and denial of care.

    cash-strapped: 资金短缺的

    tacit: ˈtæsɪt/ adj. a tacit agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said 默默的;心照不宣的

    hassle: ˈhæsəl/ n. [countable, uncountable] spoken something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do. 争吵;麻烦。


    4. What we need is new direction and real, not phony, harmony. Let patients and future patients have a say, even if they ruffle feathers at town meetings. And let doctors’ diverse views be heard, not just those of American Medical Association, which represents fewer than 20% of physicians. Use federal muscle to deliver reform that better regulates and referees the insurance companies so that they are more transparent about the prices they really pay for services and the premiums they charge or the way they deny treatments or claims. Above all, correct the fact that most people have little or no choice of insurer. Insurance companies should face vigorous competition from one another through an open, national insurance exchange where everyone can buy his or her policies in any state from any insurer. That should drive costs down and the quality of service up.

    19. Virtual Friendship, for Real

    1. As research is illuminating the human social networks that have existed since time immemorial, a parallel thread of inquiry is exploring a new kind of social interaction: online friendship.

    But because Facebook “friends” are often what we call “acquaintances” in the offline world, researchers had to find a way to weed through a Facebook users “friendship” to find the most meaningful relationships. They developed a concept they call the “picture friend”- someone with whom a subject has appeared in a photograph posted on Facebook. The definition of a picture friend also requires the subject to have “tagged” with the friend’s identity. This helps weed out group photographers in which not everyone knows each other, and indicates that the subject wishes the association with the tagged friend to be recognized.

    illuminate: /ɪˈluːməneɪt/ v. to make something much clearer and easier to understand. 阐明

    immemorial: /ˌɪməˈmɔːriəl◂/ adj. starting longer ago than people can remember, or than written history shows 古早的;无法追忆的

    2. The concept coined and studied by professor of sociology Peter Marson, denotes the people with whom we spend free time together and discuss important matters- the people with whom our friendship is tangible and quantifiable, with whom we interact on a regular basis.

    tangible: adj. clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed. Eg. The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed. 眼见为实的

    quantifiable: adj. 可计量的

    3. The authors argue that websites-social dating, video game or otherwise-“just realized our ancient propensity to connect to other human, albeit with electrons flowing through cyberspace rather than conversation drifting through the air. While the social networks formed online maybe abstract, large, complex and supermodern, they also reflect universal and fundamental human tendencies that emerged in our prehistoric past when we told stories to one another around campfires in African savanna.

    propensity /prəˈpensəti/ noun (plural propensities) [countable usually singular]

    a natural tendency to behave in a particular way. 脾性

    albeit: /ɔːlˈbiːɪt used to add information that reduces the force or importance of what you have just said. SYN although eg. He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation. 尽管;

    20. As Harvard Goes

    1. The nation's most famous university has come up with a whole new set of guidelines that proponents say will help classify how liberal-arts subjects like philosophy and art history shed light on the hurly-burly of quotidian topics.

    hurly-burly: / ˌhɜːrli ˈbɜːrli/ n. [uncountable] a lot of busy noisy activity. 喧嚣

    quotidian: /kwəʊˈtɪdiən $ kwoʊ-/ ordinary, and happening every day. 寻常的;司空见怪的

    2. Does this mean balancing a checkbook is on a par with balancing equations.

    on a par with: 与… 等同

    equation: /ɪˈkweɪʒən/ n. a statement in mathematics that shows that two amounts or totals are equal. 等式

    3. Acknowledging how important extracurricular activities have become on campus, the report calls for a stronger links between

    the endeavours students pursue inside and outside the classroom

    . Those starting poverty, for example, absorb more if they also volunteer at a homeless shelter.

    4. There were, however, some contemporary concerns that did not make the final cut. In October. Before finalizing its recommendations, the committee proposed mandating the study of reason and faith that drew sharp criticism from faculty members like psychology professor Stephen pink have the juxtaposition of the two words makes it sound like faith and reason are parallel and equivalent ways of knowing. He wrote. But universities are about reason, pure and simple, though 71% of incoming students say they attend and may already elect to study religions. The committee giving the substituting a culture and will leave requirements. It turned out to be more practical.

    21. When Social Fear Disappears, So Does Racism

    1. Children with a genetic condition that quells their fear of strangers don’t stereotype based on race, according to a new study.

    The findings support the idea that prejudice stems from fear of people of different social groups

    , although some researchers question how well the new study supports that conclusion.

    quell: v. to end a situation in which people are behaving violently or protesting, especially by using force. 镇压。

    stem: v. to stop something from happening, spreading, or developing 阻止;遏制。

    eg. The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

    2. Even individuals who profess not to be racist often harbor racist attitudes on an unconscious level, implying that racial prejudice is socially or biologically ingrained.

    profess: v. to state a personal feeling or belief openly 宣称

    imply: v. to suggest that something is true, without saying this directly 暗示

    3. Phelps’s team concluded that racial bias was linked to a deep-seated fear of people perceived as members of a different social group.

    Deep-seated 根深蒂固的

    4. Caused by the deletion of genes on chromosome 7, Williams syndrome leads to mild to moderate mental and growth retardation as well as an intense sociability and lack of social fear.


    22. Brain Imaging Hints at Emotion’s Role in Moral Judgments

    Greene’s research is part of ongoing trend in moral psychology that seeks to explain decision-making without resorting to traditional rationalism, in which moral decisions were thought to be the product of cold reasoning. As co-author John Darley puts it, “Moral issues do not come to you with a sign saying,’ I am a moral issue and treat me in a special way. ”

    23. How to Change a Personality

    1. These new brain-control tools open a Pandora’s box of ethical and philosophical dilemmas, including what kind of society – and what kind of selves – we want. Indeed, where there once seemed to be a clear boundary between mental health and mental dysfunction, it is now clear that these states lie along a spectrum.

    2. “Is there a trade-off,” she wonders, “between focusing attention and reducing creativity? And if more workers use it to excel, will we have a workforce of narrow, rigid thinkers?”

    trade-off: n. 平衡

    excel: v. 胜过别人

    3. Farah also imagines the day when we have what she calls a “neuro-correctional system” that would transform criminals into non-criminals. We already force sex offenders to take libido-dampening drugs or face denial of parole. A drug to dampen violent impulses might someday be similarly applied. That could, in theory, prevent crimes.

    But so would the castration of rapists, and that is considered a nearly unthinkable invasion of a person’s body. Do we have a comparable right, neuroethicist ask, to “freedom of mind”? The ethicists are raising the question, but it will be up to the courts-and ultimately society at large-to decide when the benefits of this powerful but intrusive branch of brain science outweigh the dangers.

    dampen: v. to make something such as a feeling or activity less strong. 抑制

    parole: /pəˈrəʊl /n. permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition

    that they promise to behave well

    comparable: adj. /ˈkɒmpərəbəl/: similar to something else in size, number,

    quality etc, so that you can make a comparison. 类似的

    eg. Pluto is comparable in size to the Moon.

    24. Pain in the Gas

    1. Once upon a time, cars were hailed as the solution to an acute environmental hazard. A century ago in a city like Milwaukee, a quarter of million lbs. of horse emissions fouled the streets each day. In Chicago, 10,000 dead horses had to be towed away in a single year. The flies and the pathogens in the manure dust aside, magazine writers compared the overall “horse cast of living” unfavorably with the cost of switching to cars. At the time, a gallon of gasoline cost 18 cents, which today would be close to $4 – exactly where some experts think we might be headed. But that was still a bargain compared with the oats and track and the stables needed to sustain what Thomas Edison called “the poorest motor ever built.”

    hail: v. to describe someone or something as being very good

    tow: v. to pull a vehicle or ship along behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain

    pathogen: /ˈpæθədʒən, -dʒen/ n. something that causes disease in your body 病原

    2. In fact, beyond the problem of too little refining capacity, the other factor boosting gas price is growing demand… But to the general public, this is about time and love, not money and reason. We may fear global warming, replace out lightbulbs, recycle our plastics. But in America, a man’s car is his castle, and you don’t pick a castle for its energy efficiency.

    25. Bugs: The Forgotten Victims of Climate Change

    1. If it were up to Jessica Hellmann, insects such as butterflies and beetles would wield just as much conservation clout as traditional conservation icons, such as polar bears, tigers and dolphins.

    “Animals such as polar bears, tigers and dolphins are tremendously important, but mostly because they help define how think about our relationship with the natural world,” says Hellmann. “But when it comes to functioning of ecosystems, insects are where it is at.”

    2. But the potential of some insect, plant and animal species to survive outside of their natives begs the question: should endangered species whose habitats are harmed by climate change be manually moved to more accommodating habitats?

    26. Die-Hard Sports Fans Face Heart Risk

    1. World cup teams attract some of the world’s most passionate and loyal sports fans, with wins and losses triggering nationalistic celebrations and riots.

    2. Apparently, of prime importance for triggering a stress-induced event is not the outcome of a game-a win or loss-but rather the intense strain and excitement experienced during the viewing of a dramatic match, such as one with a penalty shoutout,” the study authors wrote.

    stress-induced: adj. 压力诱发的

    strain: n. worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time.

    27. Using Music to Lift Depression’s Veil

    lift the veil: 揭开面纱

    There are two main types of music therapy. Sometimes a therapist will listen to music with a patient and talk about the feelings or memories that it evokes. In another form, the therapist is a skilled musician and will improvise music with the patient. If the patient doesn’t play an instrument, he or she might be given a simple percussion instrument and the therapist will play along.

    evoke memories: 勾起回忆

    percussion: n. 打击乐器

    28. Are ‘Test Tube Babies’ Healthy?

    The upshot?For 5% to 10% of those gene, the DNA methylation patterns, which affect how genes are expressed, are different between IVF and non-IVF children. There is no way to tell if that is because of technology used to produce IVF babies or whether the difference has something to do with underlying infertility problem the pattern had. It’s also unclear whether these gene-expression differences will translate into health differences. But it does suggest that children conceived by IVF are unique on some level.

    upshot: n. 最终结果

    methylation: n. 甲基化

    metabolism: n. 新陈代谢

    conceive: v. 怀孕

    30. When Pigeons Flock, Who’s in Command?

    However, the data also revealed that the leaders weren’t always the same, even within a single flight. And sometimes, even the birds at the bottom of the pecking order would lead the flock for brief periods. The arrangement made each flight more egalitarian, but the researchers think the reason might be more evolutionary than politically driven. It’s possible that this type of group decision-making is more accurate or beneficial than others. Perhaps the individuals in the flocks


    a better chance of survival if they sometimes participate in guiding the group rather than constantly submitting to a single leader.

    egalitarian: /ɪˌɡæləˈteəriən /adj. based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have equal rights

    35. How to Build Ethical Understanding into Pilotless War Planes



    the helicopter

    was to

    the Vietnam war, t

    he drone is becoming to

    the Afghan conflict: both a crucial weapon in the American armoury and a symbol of technological might pitted against stubborn resistance.

    drone: a continuous low dull sound. 此处指无人机。

    armoury: /ˈɑːməri / a place where weapons are stored 军火库。

    pit Sth. against sb.: 用…与… 较量

    2.Assassinating “high value targets” often involves a moral quandary. A certain amount of collateral damage has always been accepted in the rough-and -tumble of the battlefield, but direct attacks on civilian sites, even if they have commandeered for military use, cause queasiness in thoughtful soldiers.

    quandary: /ˈkwɒndəri -/ noun (plural quandaries) [countable] a difficult situation or problem, especially one in which you cannot decide what to do 两难境地

    collateral: adj. relating to something or happening as a result of it, but not as important 间接的

    rough-and-tumble: 搏斗;厮杀

    commandeer: /ˌkɒmənˈdɪə $ / verb to take someone else’s property for your own use, especially during a war 霸占

    quea‧sy /ˈkwiːzi/ adj. feeling that you are going to vomit 恶心

    36. Repairs Begin at Home

    1. As the first big banking crisis of the 21st century rumbles on, the clamour for reforming international finance is rising.

    Worries abound over the dissonance between capital markets that know no boarders and patchwork of national rules and regulators that govern them

    . Global finance, goes the argument, cannot rely on Balksanised domestic oversight.

    clamour /ˈklæmə $ -ər/ noun [singular, uncountable] the expression of feelings of anger and shock by a large number of people – used especially in news reports 喧哗

    abound: /əˈbaʊnd/ verb [intransitive] to exist in very large numbers 充满

    dissonance: ˈdɪsənəns/ noun [countable, uncountable] technical a combination of notes that sound strange because they are not in harmony 不和谐

    Balksanise:v. 使巴尔干化;使分裂

    oversight:n. 监督

    3. This rhetoric has a familiar ring. A decade ago, in the aftermath of financial crises that swept emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia, there were similar calls-often from the same voices as now-to redesign the architecture of global finance. A few outdated international institutions, such as the IMF, were deemed to an inadequate infrastructure for a global capital market that could bring down whole economies within days.

    This rhetoric has a familiar ring.这样的措辞听起来似曾相识。

    rhetoric: n. language that is used to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but is not actually sincere or useful 措辞

    aftermath: the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still dealing with the results

    redesign the architecture: 重新设计架构

    37. Why the Democratic Ethic of the World Wide Web

    May Be About to End

    1. The World Wide Web is the most democratic mass medium there has ever been. Freedom of the press, as the saying goes, belongs only to those who own one. Radio and television are controlled by those rich enough to buy a broadcast license. But anyone with an Internet-connected computer can reach out to a potential audience of billions.

    envision: /ɪnˈvɪʒən/想象;展望

    2. Sir Tim, who keeps a low profile, has begun speaking out in favour of “net neutrality,” rules requiring that all web sites remain equal on the web. Co-operations that stand to make billions if they can push tiered pricing through have put together a slick lobbying and marketing campaign. But Sir Tim and other supporters of net neutrality are inspiring growing support from Internet users across the political spectrum who are demanding that Congress preserve the Web in its current form.

    profile: /ˈprəʊfaɪl / a side view of someone’s head 侧影;姿态

    keep low profile: 低调行事

    tier: /tɪə $ tɪr/ n. 层级

    in favour of: 支持

    across the political spectrum: 跨越不同的政治派系

    38. New Study: Autism Linked to Environment

    Research links soaring incidences of the mysterious neurological disorder to fetal and infant exposure to pesticides, viruses, household chemicals

    1. The scientists who authored the new study advocate a nationwide shift in autism research to focus on potential factors in the environment that babies and fetuses are exposed to, including pesticides, viruses and chemicals in household products.


    advocate: v. 提倡;倡导

    2. “It’s time to start looking for the environmental culprits responsible for the remarkable increase in the rate of autism in California,”

    culprit: /ˈkʌlprɪt/ noun [countable] the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong. 元凶。

  • 外刊精读 | 深空宇宙

    作者:eccentric 发布时间:2022-07-13 20:11:13



    Paragraph 1

    After a million-mile journey into space, NASA’s newest flagship observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, has captured its first suite of full-color images of the universe. The picture is JWST’s first shot at what astronomers call a deep-field image, when the telescope takes a long look at a tiny patch of space, collecting dim light and revealing extremely distant objects. As seen through the instrument’s sharp, infrared eye, that little patch is populated by swirling, glowing, gorgeous galaxies, some of which existed more than 13 billion years ago, when the universe was still a toddler.


    flagship [ˈflæɡˌʃɪp] n. 旗舰;(尤指指挥官所在的)主舰;王牌,主打产品,旗舰产品

    【例句】The hospital has been the government's flagship,leading the health service reforms. 这家医院一直是政府的旗舰机构,引领着医疗服务的改革。

    This was the Vasa,royal flagship of the great imperial fleet. 这是瓦萨号,帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰。

    patch [pætʃ] n. 补丁;(表面上)与周围不同的地方;(种有植物或农作物的)小块土地;(保护受伤眼睛的)眼罩 |v. 修补,缝补

    【例句】There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds. 灰色的云团中透出一小片蓝天。

    She'll patch up the tapestry that I shred. 她会缝补好你那被我撕碎的挂毯。——《Champagne Problem》Taylor Swift

    【搭配】not a patch on 比不上,远不如





    dim [dɪm] a. (光线)昏暗的,(地方)阴暗的;(人影、物体)朦胧的;(记忆、理解)模糊的;(前景)渺茫的;(人)愚笨的 | v. 使灯光变暗;将汽车前灯调为近光;使视力变差;使前景或希望渺茫;使记忆变模糊

    【例句】It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory. 20世纪60年代的社会激进主义似乎只是一个模糊的记忆。

    The prospects for a peaceful solution are dim. 和平解决的希望很渺茫。

    【搭配】take a dim view of 不赞成





    reveal [rɪˈvil]] v. 显示,展示;表明,透露;揭露

    【例句】She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter. 她不肯透露她女儿的行踪。A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor. 一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。





    长难句解析:As seen through the instrument’s sharp, infrared eye, that little patch is populated by swirling, glowing, gorgeous galaxies, some of which existed more than 13 billion years ago, when the universe was still a toddler.

    这是as从句与非限定性定语从句以及when引导的时间状语从句复合的复杂句。首先,由于as引导的从句中为被动语态(is populated by),as后相当于省略了"is",与后面的“through”连用为避免语意重复,翻译中只需体现出"through"的意思,即“通过”。第一处“,”是表示"sharp”与“infrared"一同修饰“eye”(此处的"eye"译为“红外眼状探测装置”),与"swirling,glowing,gorgeous"处用法相同。"some of which"引导非限定性定语从句,修饰主句中的“galaxies”,注意此处不可换为"some of them",因为其不可引导定语从句。最后是when引导的时间状语从句,表示“在...时候”。


    Paragraph 2

    The deep-field image released today is, in some ways, analogous to traveling through time. That massive cluster, which is four billion light-years away from Earth, acts like a magnifying lens, allowing the light from extremely old, much more distant galaxies to pop into view.


    analogous [əˈnæləɡəs] a. 相似的,类似的,可比拟的

    【例句】The two situations are roughly analogous. 两种情况大致相似。

    【词根】analogy n. 相似,类似;类推,类比


    resemblance:指外观或性质有相似之处。(be similar to = resemble)



    cluster [ˈklʌstər] n. (人或物的)组,群,簇;(人)聚集

    【例句】The passengers clustered together in small groups. 乘客们三五成群聚在一起。

    A cluster of men in formal clothes. 一群身着正装的男人。

    【搭配】a cluster of 成群的,成串的


    magnifying [ˈmæɡnəˌfaɪɪŋ] a. 放大的

    【例句】Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是一个放大镜。

    【词根】magnify v. 放大,扩大;加强,加剧;夸大,夸张




    pop [pɑp] v. (突然)出现;(眼睛因惊讶、激动而)瞪出;迅速一放

    【例句】My eyes poped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show. 看到展示的花样繁多的食品,我的眼睛都瞪圆了。

    【搭配】pop off 突然离开;暴毙;说气话

    have/take a pop at 人身(或口头)攻击

    make one's eyes pop 使瞠目结舌

    pop up 突然出现;意外发生

    Paragraph 3

    This isn’t the first time scientists have aimed a telescope at a patch of space and waited to see what turned up. Hubble continued to produce deeper and deeper images, stretching the capability of the telescope to see into the early universe. Now we enter a new phase of scientific discovery. It will enhance what we know about the origins of our universe, our solar system, and possibly life itself.


    turn up (常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,露面;找出,发现,注意到;调高(收音机、暖气)

    【例句】No matter how often they turn up,their welcome never wears out. 不管他们多久露面一次,都永远那么受欢迎。

    Bill would turn up the TV. 比尔会把电视声音开大。

    stretch [stretʃ] v. 延伸,绵延;伸展;持续(一段时间);包括,涉及;耗尽;使全力以赴;足够支付 | n. 一片;一段时间

    【例句】The procession stretched for several miles. 游行队伍长达数英里。

    It's a very dangerous stretch of road. 这是一段非常危险的路。

    【搭配】at full stretch 尽量伸展(身体部位)

    at a stretch 不停地,连续地;勉强地

    by no stretch of the immagination 怎么想象也不是

    stretch one‘s legs (久坐后)散步

    stretch a point (因特殊情况)作出让步,通融


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