智汇书屋 -Clapton
本书资料更新时间:2025-01-09 19:41:08

Clapton 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

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  • ISBN:9780767925365
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-5
  • 页数:352
  • 价格:USD 15.99
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:41:08


“I found a pattern in my behavior that had been repeating itself for years, decades even. Bad choices were my specialty, and if something honest and decent came along, I would shun it or run the other way.”

With striking intimacy and candor, Eric Clapton tells the story of his eventful and inspiring life in this poignant and honest autobiography. More than a rock star, he is an icon, a living embodiment of the history of rock music. Well known for his reserve in a profession marked by self-promotion, flamboyance, and spin, he now chronicles, for the first time, his remarkable personal and professional journeys.

Born illegitimate in 1945 and raised by his grandparents, Eric never knew his father and, until the age of nine, believed his actual mother to be his sister. In his early teens his solace was the guitar, and his incredible talent would make him a cult hero in the clubs of Britain and inspire devoted fans to scrawl “Clapton is God” on the walls of London’s Underground. With the formation of Cream, the world's first supergroup, he became a worldwide superstar, but conflicting personalities tore the band apart within two years. His stints in Blind Faith, in Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, and in Derek and the Dominos were also short-lived but yielded some of the most enduring songs in history, including the classic “Layla.”

During the late sixties he played as a guest with Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan, as well as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and longtime friend George Harrison. It was while working with the latter that he fell for George’s wife, Pattie Boyd, a seemingly unrequited love that led him to the depths of despair, self-imposed seclusion, and drug addiction. By the early seventies he had overcome his addiction and released the bestselling album 461 Ocean Boulevard , with its massive hit “I Shot the Sheriff.” He followed that with the platinum album Slowhand , which included “Wonderful Tonight,” the touching love song to Pattie, whom he finally married at the end of 1979. A short time later, however, Eric had replaced heroin with alcohol as his preferred vice, following a pattern of behavior that not only was detrimental to his music but contributed to the eventual breakup of his marriage.

In the eighties he would battle and begin his recovery from alcoholism and become a father. But just as his life was coming together, he was struck by a terrible blow: His beloved four-year-old son, Conor, died in a freak accident. At an earlier time Eric might have coped with this tragedy by fleeing into a world of addiction. But now a much stronger man, he took refuge in music, responding with the achingly beautiful “Tears in Heaven.”

Clapton is the powerfully written story of a survivor, a man who has achieved the pinnacle of success despite extraordinary demons. It is one of the most compelling memoirs of our time.






















“I found a pattern in my behavior that had been repeating itself for years, decades even. Bad choices were my specialty, and if something honest and decent came along, I would shun it or run the other way.”

With striking intimacy and candor, Eric Clapton tells the story of his eventful and inspiring life in this poignant and honest autobiography. More than a rock star, he is an icon, a living embodiment of the history of rock music. Well known for his reserve in a profession marked by self-promotion, flamboyance, and spin, he now chronicles, for the first time, his remarkable personal and professional journeys.

Born illegitimate in 1945 and raised by his grandparents, Eric never knew his father and, until the age of nine, believed his actual mother to be his sister. In his early teens his solace was the guitar, and his incredible talent would make him a cult hero in the clubs of Britain and inspire devoted fans to scrawl “Clapton is God” on the walls of London’s Underground. With the formation of Cream, the world's first supergroup, he became a worldwide superstar, but conflicting personalities tore the band apart within two years. His stints in Blind Faith, in Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, and in Derek and the Dominos were also short-lived but yielded some of the most enduring songs in history, including the classic “Layla.”

During the late sixties he played as a guest with Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan, as well as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and longtime friend George Harrison. It was while working with the latter that he fell for George’s wife, Pattie Boyd, a seemingly unrequited love that led him to the depths of despair, self-imposed seclusion, and drug addiction. By the early seventies he had overcome his addiction and released the bestselling album 461 Ocean Boulevard , with its massive hit “I Shot the Sheriff.” He followed that with the platinum album Slowhand , which included “Wonderful Tonight,” the touching love song to Pattie, whom he finally married at the end of 1979. A short time later, however, Eric had replaced heroin with alcohol as his preferred vice, following a pattern of behavior that not only was detrimental to his music but contributed to the eventual breakup of his marriage.

In the eighties he would battle and begin his recovery from alcoholism and become a father. But just as his life was coming together, he was struck by a terrible blow: His beloved four-year-old son, Conor, died in a freak accident. At an earlier time Eric might have coped with this tragedy by fleeing into a world of addiction. But now a much stronger man, he took refuge in music, responding with the achingly beautiful “Tears in Heaven.”

Clapton is the powerfully written story of a survivor, a man who has achieved the pinnacle of success despite extraordinary demons. It is one of the most compelling memoirs of our time.


  • 作者:biubiubiu 发布时间:2020-08-30 23:25:12



  • 作者:宝珠 发布时间:2022-10-08 23:03:12

    2022.10.08 书中所传达的“活性氧就是个坏东西”的氛围令人诧异,我不大相信这是作为知名医生的作者犯下的错误。用身体自身的抗氧化能力来抵抗过量的活性氧,这是科学抗氧化最佳方式,也就是多多食用富含抗氧化能力的蔬菜,食用的最佳方式是煮,想吃什么蔬菜就吃什么,里面可以加蘑菇牛奶水果肉类。方法是简单,但没想到对于现代人来说最难的竟是没时间买菜洗菜切块和煮菜。但再追问下去,也不是真的没有时间,是没有心情!

  • 作者:行二 发布时间:2018-08-10 15:32:31


  • 作者:弦歌 发布时间:2017-12-02 11:29:52


  • 作者:自然 发布时间:2021-05-16 16:33:22


  • 作者:经地计史 发布时间:2020-05-06 22:54:42



    第一章 国际政治中存在永久的冲突与合作逻辑吗?

    1. 主要的国际政治思想:现实主义、自由主义、建构主义,马克思主义、女性主义。

    2. 伯罗奔尼撒战争:安全困境、信念、国际合作。

    3. 国际关系伦理观:怀疑论、国家道义主义、世界主义。

    第二章 同样是重点







  • 同时拥有《说文解字今译》汤可敬【上海古籍出版社】、《说文解字》汤可敬【中华书局】当当买家评论(略作排版、改动,附链接)

    作者:薄云天 发布时间:2022-08-24 12:25:27




    上海古籍出版社的繁体版编辑审校非常不认真,作者也马虎,我查了三个字,竟然内文有三处问题,首先,这套书区别于其他版本最大的价值在于能够通过拼音快速检索,一个字有多个读音,就应该通过每个读音都能定位改字在书中的位置,喝水的“喝”字你通过拼音“hē”是查不到的,中华书局版能查到,不管古代怎么解释,现代人第一反应就是读 hē。   

    【注音】   中华书局的注音非常仔细,除了主体汉字本身,释义里一些生僻字也加了注音,特别、特别体贴,为读者解决了老大一难题,上海古籍的版本别说偏旁和注释里的生僻字,连主题汉字本身很多都“忘了”标记注音。对于普通读者,你每查一个字就会遇到更多不认识的字,永远查不完,令人发狂。   

    【异体字】   中华书局的版本在汉字主体外又增加了很多异体字,这是上海古籍版所没有的,也就是说,上海古籍的版本,有可能你遇到一个字,明明说文里讲了这个字,你却查不到。   

    【注释条目】   与上海古籍出版社的版本对比,如前文所述,中华书局少了不少注解。上海古籍的注释条目很乱,有的地方不能自圆其说,有的地方有明显错误。   

    【视觉效果】   实物中华书局的精美很多,封面装帧如此,排版更是如此,汉字主体的繁体字和篆字,甲骨文等都放大字号,大部分用字体排版,十分优美。现代印刷字体横平竖直,所以才适合小字号,相信我,篆字这种曲线多的自觉对不适合小字号,细节笔画难以分辨。上海古籍的字号小。   


    我看到中华书局的书籍描述页面中有一个“喝”字截图,我去上海古籍版查了一下,天哪!音序检字表中竟然查不到,他们按照古音把喝字放到【 ài 音爱】里了,你用现代的拼音检字表标古代的音,什么逻辑!谁能查到?   上海古籍版那么多注释,没标 yè 音。中华书局版拼音检字表可以从 hē 的读音找到这个字,上海古籍的不能。   上海古籍版本,注释说“左省一畫”你不给出异体字,是谁跟谁比啊?看得不明不白。底下的䇂(qiān)字写成了辛苦的辛。   我仅仅对比了两个字,个个有问题,我想可能不至于四本书所有字都有问题,但到底问题概率得多少呢?   上海古籍的编辑素质真是不行啊!这不是一个审稿找错字的问题,除了基本职业素质不足外,作为一个编辑对审美能力、总体构想、产品设计、客户体验、竞品分析等职业素养全方面的综合的能力匮乏。   二者都远远不够理想,但从学习角度来讲,这两套是最为实用的,再无在实用性上可与之媲美者。这篇文章应该是网上能看到的最细致的了,尽管我个人倾向于繁体版说文,但出于对大量可能错误的担心,我强烈建议大家买中华书局版。


  • 我将明白的活

    作者:月蕴芝华 发布时间:2015-01-05 14:46:06


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