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Chapter 1. The Oxford Handbook of Reading: Setting the Stage
This chapter serves as an introduction and outline for the remainder of the handbook. After first considering the importance of writing and reading in society, an overview of the history of reading research is provided. The chapter discusses the impact of the cognitive revolution, which began in
the 1950s, on both basic reading research and research on the teaching of reading. The conclusion of the chapter summarizes the five sections of the handbook: Introduction, Word Identification, Reading Sentences and Texts, Reading and Spelling Development, and Reading Instruction. Previews are provided of the chapters in each of the sections, and the general themes and issues in the chapter are discussed.
Chapter 2. Writing Systems: Their Properties and Implications for Reading
An understanding of the nature of writing is an important foundation for studies of how people read and how they learn to read. This chapter discusses the characteristics of modern writing systems with a view toward providing that foundation. It considers both the appearance of writing systems and how they function. All writing represents the words of a language according to a set of rules. However, important properties of a language often go unrepresented in writing. Change and variation in the spoken language result in complex links to speech. Redundancies in language and writing mean that readers can often get by without taking in all of the visual information. These redundancies also mean that readers must often supplement the visual information that they do take in with knowledge about the language and about the world.
Chapter 3. Visual Word Recognition
Visual word recognition is an integral aspect of reading. Although readers are able to recognize visually presented words with apparent ease, the processes that map orthography onto phonology and semantics are far from straightforward. The present chapter discusses the cognitive processes that skilled readers use in order to recognize and pronounce individual words. After a historical overview of the broad theoretical developments in this rich field, the chapter provides a description of methods and a selective review of the empirical literature, with an emphasis on how the recognition of an isolated word is modulated by its lexical- and semantic-level properties and by its context. The final section of the chapter briefly considers some recent approaches and analytic tools in visual word recognition research, including megastudy, analysis of response time distributions, and the important role of individual differences.
Chapter 4. The Work of the Eyes During Reading
This chapter discusses the movements of the eyes during reading: how they support and reveal the reading process. The chapter starts by describing basic facts about eye movements. It then describes some factors that account for variability in eye movement behaviors and then discusses some important methodological paradigms (namely gaze-contingent display change paradigms) that have contributed to our knowledge about eye movements and cognitive processing in reading. In particular, these paradigms have been used to study what types of information readers obtain from a word before they look directly at it. The chapter reviews what has been learned from experiments using these paradigms. It also discusses the issue of eye movement control in reading (i.e., what determines where the eyes move and how long they linger on a particular word) and describes several studies demonstrating that eye movement control in reading is determined directly by ongoing cognitive process.
Chapter 5. Visual Word Recognition in the Bayesian Reader Framework
Visual word recognition is traditionally viewed as a process of activating a lexical representation stored in long-term memory. Although this activation framework has been valuable in guiding research on visual word recognition and remains the dominant force, an alternative framework has emerged in the last decade. The Bayesian Reader framework, proposed by Norris (2006, 2009; Norris & Kinoshita, 2012a), regards the decision processes involved in a task as integral to explaining visual word recognition, and its central tenet is that human readers approximate optimal Bayesian decision-makers operating on noisy perceptual input. This chapter focuses on two issues fundamental to visual word recognition— the role of word frequency and the representation of letter order—and describes how the Bayesian Reader framework provides a principled account of the recent findings related to these issues that are challenging to the activation framework.
Chapter 6. Neighborhood Effects in Visual Word Recognition and Reading
This chapter discusses research on how words that are orthographically (or phonologically) similar to a printed word influence the speed and accuracy of its encoding. The relevant set of words (the word’s neighbors) was previously defined to be those lexical units differing from the target stimulus by a single letter in a given position. Recent evidence has revealed that a better definition of a word’s neighborhood includes lexical units of different length and lexical units created by transpositions. The study of a word’s neighborhood has revealed that that the activation of neighbors may interfere with the processing of the target words in word-identification tasks and during sentence reading, supporting the basic claims of interactive activation models. Some challenges to the current definitions of the sets of word neighborhoods are also examined, in particular the need to include differences between how consonants and vowels are encoded during word processing.
Chapter 7. Cross-Linguistic Perspectives on Letter-Order Processing: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Considerations
The processing of letter order has profound implications for understanding how visually presented words are processed and how they are recognized, given the lexical architecture that characterizes a given language. Research conducted in different writing systems suggests that letter-position effects, such as transposed-letter priming, are not universal. The cognitive system may perform very different types of processing on a sequence of letters depending on factors that are unrelated to peripheral orthographic characteristics but related to the deep structural properties of the printed stimuli. Assuming that identical neurobiological constraints govern reading performance in any language, these findings suggest that neurobiological constraints interact with the idiosyncratic statistical properties of a given writing system to determine the preciseness or fuzziness of letter-position coding. This chapter reviews the evidence for this interaction and discusses the implications for theories of reading and for modeling visual word recognition.
Chapter 8. The Nature of Lexical Representation in Visual Word Recognition
This chapter explores how information about words is represented for the purposes of recognizing those words when reading. A description is first given of the various architectures that have been proposed to frame our understanding of lexical processing, with an emphasis on the way they portray lexical representation. The importance of morphological structure to the nature of lexical representation is highlighted, and attention is directed to specific models that attempt to capture that structure. The model that forms the major focus of the chapter, the AUSTRAL model, is one where identification of a letter string is based on information associated with an abstract level that mediates between form and function; namely, a lemma level. The incorporation of a lemma level into the lexical processing system provides a locus for morphological structure. It captures a level of lexical representation that not only underlies both visual and spoken word recognition but also is compatible with models of word production.
Chapter 9. Are Polymorphemic Words Processed Differently From Other Words During Reading?
Across a variety of languages, many words comprise more than one meaning unit, or morpheme. In the present chapter, reading studies employing readers’ eye movement registration are reviewed that examine how such polymorphemic words are identified. The reviewed studies have examined how compound words, derived words, and inflected words are identified. Studies are also reviewed that have investigated whether the meanings of polymorphemic words are constructed out of the meanings of their components. More generally, it is concluded that polymorphemic words are identified during reading both using whole-word representations available in the mental lexicon (the holistic route) and accessing the word identity via the component meanings (the decomposition route). Moreover, word length plays a significant role in modulating the relative dominance of the two access routes, with the decomposition route being more dominant for long polymorphemic words.
Chapter 10. Individual Differences Among Skilled Readers: The Role of Lexical Quality
Theories of visual word recognition and reading have been based on averaged data from relatively small samples of skilled readers, reflecting an implicit assumption that all skilled readers read in the same way. This chapter reviews evidence of systematic individual differences in the early stages of lexical retrieval among samples of above-average readers that challenges this assumption. Individual differences in patterns of masked priming and parafoveal processing during sentence reading provide evidence of variability in the precision and coherence of lexical knowledge that are consistent with Perfetti’s (2007) construct of lexical quality. This evidence is compatible with neuroimaging evidence that literacy drives the development of specialized neural systems for processing written words. Understanding these dimensions of individual differences among expert readers has important implications for future refinements of theories of visual word recognition and reading.
Chapter 11. What Does Acquired Dyslexia Tell Us About Reading in the Mind and Brain?
Reading is a fundamental cognitive skill that is often disrupted as a consequence of brain damage. The study of neurological patients with acquired reading disorders has proven pivotal in development of theoretical accounts of normal reading. This work initially involved a focus on cases of dissociation between reading and other cognitive functions using single-case methodology. This evidence was influential in the formation of dual-route models of reading aloud, which employ localist representations. More recent work has used simultaneous consideration of multiple cases to reveal associations between reading and other cognitive functions. This evidence has been captured by connectionist triangle models of reading aloud, which rely on learned distributed representations. Neuroimaging of patients with acquired dyslexia has provided insights into the mechanisms of dysfunction and the neural basis of normal reading. Consideration of neuropsychological patient data has highlighted the role of more basic perceptual and cognitive processes in skilled reading.
Chapter 12. Literacy and Literacy Development in Bilinguals
The first part of the chapter reviews the literature on reading in adult bilinguals, and the second part reviews the literature on reading development. The focus of the review is on how knowledge of one language influences reading in the other language. In the literature on adult bilinguals, most research on this issue has been on word recognition, with fewer studies on sentence processing and fewer still on text reading. A model of bilingual word recognition is discussed. In the literature on child bilinguals, the focus has been on predictors of reading development in the second language. Only a few studies have investigated how bilingual children represent and process their two languages. Several theoretical proposals regarding bilingual language development are discussed.
Chapter 13. The Role of Sound in Silent Reading
This chapter discusses whether sound is involved in the process of skilled (and apparently silent) reading of words and texts, and, if so, how. The term “phonological coding” encompasses a broad variety of phenomena, including inner speech and subvocalization. In the research on single-word encoding, the focus has largely been on the level of phonemic coding, and the controversies have largely been about whether readers do this encoding with something like a rule-governed process or by learning correlations between visual and auditory patterns. The chapter also reviews the large literature that examines phonological coding in reading sentences and text using eye-movement methodology, including display change techniques. Other aspects of phonological coding discussed include its role to mark stress and its role in short-term memory to facilitate the reading of text. In addition, the chapter attempts to clarify the relationship between phonological coding and subvocalization.
Chapter 14. Reading Sentences: Syntactic Parsing and Semantic Interpretation
Understanding what we read requires constructing a representation of each sentence’s syntactic structure and meaning. We are generally not consciously aware of the complex cognitive operations that underlie these processes. However, researchers have been able to learn a great deal about these operations by using methods such as eye tracking during reading and recording of event-related potentials (ERPs). This chapter provides a broad overview of some of the main theoretical issues and empirical conclusions in this area, focusing on the following questions: How rapidly do we perform syntactic and semantic analysis in the course of reading? Do we construct more than one syntactic analysis at a time? Does syntactic analysis always precede semantic interpretation? What role does memory play in sentence processing? Finally, how do these sentence-level processes relate to the process of visual word recognition itself?
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