智汇书屋 -FOODS OF ISRAEL TODAY, THE(ISBN=9780679451075) 英文原版
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FOODS OF ISRAEL TODAY, THE(ISBN=9780679451075) 英文原版 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

FOODS OF ISRAEL TODAY, THE(ISBN=9780679451075) 英文原版精美图片
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FOODS OF ISRAEL TODAY, THE(ISBN=9780679451075) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780679451075
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2001-03
  • 页数:433
  • 价格:207.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
  • 豆瓣讨论:点击查看
  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:50:48


  "Joan Nathan has created a masterful blend of food and

culture. She takes her reader on an extraordinary journey through

the history of the land of Israel and the development of modern

Israeli food. I was delighted to visit all the different ethnic

communities that have contributed to Israeli cuisine, and my mouth

watered just imagining the feast that Joan Nathan describes."

--Teddy Kollek, former mayor of Jerusalem

In this richly evocative book, Joan Nathan captures the spirit of

Israel today by exploring its multifaceted cuisine. She delves into

the histories of the people already settled in this nearly barren

land, as well as those who immigrated and helped to quickly

transform it into a country bursting with new produce. It is a

dramatic and moving saga, interlarded with more than two hundred

wonderful recipes that represent all the varied ethnic backgrounds.

Every recipe has a story, and through these tales the story of

Israel emerges.

Nathan shows how a typical Israeli menu today might include

Middle Eastern hummus, a European schnitzel (made with

native-raised turkey) accompanied by a Turkish eggplant salad and a

Persian rice dish, with, perhaps, Jaffa Orange Delight for dessert.

On Friday nights she visits with home cooks who may be preparing a

traditional Libyan, Moroccan, Italian, or German meal for their

families, the Sabbath being the focal point of the week throughout

Israel (all her recipes are accordingly kosher). And she takes us

to markets overflowing with vegetables, fruits, herbs, and


To gather the recipes and the stories, Nathan has been traveling

the length and breadth of Israel for many years--to a Syrian

Alawite village on the northern border for a vegetarian kubbeh and

to Bet She'an for potato burekas; to the Red Sea for farmed sea

bream and to the Sea of Galilee for St. Peter's fish; to

Jerusalem's Bukharan Quarter for Iraqi pita bread baked in a

wood-fired clay oven, to the Nahlaot neighborhood for Yemenite

fried pancake-like bread, and to a Druse village for paper-thin

lavash; to a tiny restaurant in Haifa for Turkish coconut cake and

to a wedding at Kibbutz May'ayan Baruch in the upper Galilee for

Moroccan sweet couscous; and to many, many other places. All the

while, she seeks out biblical connections between ancient herbs and

vegetables and their modern counterparts, between Esau's mess of

pottage and today's popular taboulleh, and she delights us with

tales of all she encounters.

Throughout, Joan Nathan shows us how food in this politically

turbulent land can be a way of breaking down barriers between Jews,

Moslems, and Christians. Generously illustrated with colorful

photographs, this enormously engaging book is one to treasure, not

only as a splendid cookbook but also as a unique record of life in





  Joan Nathan was born in Providence, Rhode Island. She

graduated from the University of Michigan with a master's degree in

French literature. For three years she lived in Israel, where she

worked for Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem. She then went on to

earn a master's degree in public administration from Harvard

University's Kennedy School of Government. In New York, where she

worked for Mayors Lindsay and Beame, she founded the Ninth Avenue

Food Festival. She lectures frequently around the country and

contributes articles on international ethnic food and special

holiday features to the New York Times, Food and

Wine, Gourmet, and Hadassah Magazine. She is the

author of six previous books, including Jewish Cooking in America,

which won both the James Beard Award and the IACP/Julia Child

Cookbook of the Year Award. She is the host of the nationally

syndicated television series Jewish Cooking in America with Joan

Nathan, based on the book. Ms. Nathan lives in Washington,

D.C., with her husband, Allan Gerson, and their three children.









"Joan Nathan has created a masterful blend of food and culture. She takes her reader on an extraordinary journey through the history of the land of Israel and the development of modern Israeli food. I was delighted to visit all the different ethnic communities that have contributed to Israeli cuisine, and my mouth watered just imagining the feast that Joan Nathan describes."

--Teddy Kollek, former mayor of Jerusalem

In this richly evocative book, Joan Nathan captures the spirit of Israel today by exploring its multifaceted cuisine. She delves into the histories of the people already settled in this nearly barren land, as well as those who immigrated and helped to quickly transform it into a country bursting with new produce. It is a dramatic and moving saga, interlarded with more than two hundred wonderful recipes that represent all the varied ethnic backgrounds. Every recipe has a story, and through these tales the story of Israel emerges.

Nathan shows how a typical Israeli menu today might include Middle Eastern hummus, a European schnitzel (made with native-raised turkey) accompanied by a Turkish eggplant salad and a Persian rice dish, with, perhaps, Jaffa Orange Delight for dessert. On Friday nights she visits with home cooks who may be preparing a traditional Libyan, Moroccan, Italian, or German meal for their families, the Sabbath being the focal point of the week throughout Israel (all her recipes are accordingly kosher). And she takes us to markets overflowing with vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices.

To gather the recipes and the stories, Nathan has been traveling the length and breadth of Israel for many years--to a Syrian Alawite village on the northern border for a vegetarian kubbeh and to Bet She'an for potato burekas; to the Red Sea for farmed sea bream and to the Sea of Galilee for St. Peter's fish; to Jerusalem's Bukharan Quarter for Iraqi pita bread baked in a wood-fired clay oven, to the Nahlaot neighborhood for Yemenite fried pancake-like bread, and to a Druse village for paper-thin lavash; to a tiny restaurant in Haifa for Turkish coconut cake and to a wedding at Kibbutz May'ayan Baruch in the upper Galilee for Moroccan sweet couscous; and to many, many other places. All the while, she seeks out biblical connections between ancient herbs and vegetables and their modern counterparts, between Esau's mess of pottage and today's popular taboulleh, and she delights us with tales of all she encounters.

Throughout, Joan Nathan shows us how food in this politically turbulent land can be a way of breaking down barriers between Jews, Moslems, and Christians. Generously illustrated with colorful photographs, this enormously engaging book is one to treasure, not only as a splendid cookbook but also as a unique record of life in Israel.


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    我也是在高中的图书馆中看的 后面借阅

    上课和晚修时看,大概内容就是归纳俞老师怎么怎么做符合什么什么道理,所以成功 等等 嗯 大概知道了俞老师的创立和发展新东方的故事

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  • 有深度的奇幻小说

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        最近读了《猎魔士 最后的愿望》,个人看来,在整体水平上要高于《被遗忘的国度》和《龙枪》,而与《指环王》《冰与火之歌》相比,《猎魔士》没有宏大的战场,没有各路英雄斗智斗勇,有的只是一个孤独的异类,拥有过人的能力,生活在一个凶险的世界,坚持着自己的信条,却被人类所排斥。




         《猎魔士 最后的愿望》是一系列短篇小说的集合,看似独立的一段有一段故事其实又被巧妙的联系在一起。有的短篇之中甚至没有冒险和打斗场景,只是一些片段式的冲突和对话,然而这些对话却交待着这个世界的点点滴滴。就像是《指环王》的反面 一般,一个有着宏大的故事宏大的世界和宏大的斗争,直观地给读者把这个世界展示出来,而另一个,你跟着一个猎魔士体验一段又一段故事,全部是身边的事,然而这个世界里的风土人情、宫廷斗争、恩怨情仇早已深深进入你的脑海之中。


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  • 故事情节:5分

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  • 章节划分:7分

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  • 新颖与独特:8分

  • 情感共鸣:3分

  • 引人入胜:7分

  • 现实相关:9分

  • 沉浸感:8分

  • 事实准确性:9分

  • 文化贡献:6分


  • 书籍多样性:3分

  • 书籍信息完全性:6分

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