The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves 技术的本质 9781416544050 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves 技术的本质 9781416544050精美图片
》The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves 技术的本质 9781416544050电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves 技术的本质 9781416544050书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781416544050
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-08
  • 页数:256
  • 价格:138.30
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:50:36


"More than any thing else technology creates our world. It creates our wealth, our economy, our very way of being," says W. Brian Arthur. Yet, until now the major questions of technology have gone unanswered. Where do new technologies come from -- how exactly does invention work? What constitutes innovation, and how is it achieved? Why are certain regions -- Cambridge, England, in the 1920s and Silicon Valley today -- hotbeds of innovation, while others languish? Does technology, like biological life, evolve? How do new industries, and the economy itself, emerge from technologies? In this groundbreaking work, pioneering technology thinker and economist W. Brian Arthur sets forth a boldly original way of thinking about technology that gives answers to these questions.

The Nature of Technology is an elegant and powerful theory of technology's origins and evolution. It achieves for the progress of technology what Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions did for scientific progress. Arthur explains how transformative new technologies arise and how innovation really works. Conventional thinking ascribes the invention of technologies to "thinking outside the box," or vaguely to genius or creativity, but Arthur shows that such explanations are inadequate. Rather, technologies are put together from pieces -- themselves technologies -- that already exist. Technologies therefore share common ancestries and combine, morph, and combine again to create further technologies. Technology evolves much as a coral reef builds itself from activities of small organisms -- it creates itself from itself; all technologies are descended from earlier technologies.

Drawing on a wealth of examples, from historical inventions to the high-tech wonders of today, and writing in wonder fully engaging and clear prose, Arthur takes us on a mind-opening journey that will change the way we think about technology and how it structures our lives.











技术是对现象的驾驭,而这很大程度上是由科学揭示的。同样,科学也构建与(builds from)技术,或者说,科学是从它的技术中形成的,从哪些要使用技术的仪器、方法和实验中形成的。







"Brian Arthur's brilliantly original analysis of how technology develops and evolves reminds me of Euclid's Geometry -- it's clear, simple and seemingly self-evident now that a master has spent years working it out. The Nature of Technology is a seminal work, thrilling to read and rich in implications for business as well as engineering and the social sciences." -- Richard Rhodes, Winner of a Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction for The Making of the Atomic Bomb^"The Nature of Technology is the most important book on technology and the economy since Schumpeter. In clear, lucid prose and with fascinating examples, Arthur describes how technology 'creates itself' in an evolutionary process that has taken our world from stone tools to iPods. A work of deep and lasting importance that deserves to be widely read -- you will not think about technology the same way again." -- Eric D. Beinhocker, author of The Origin of Wealth^"The refreshing clarity that Brian Arthur brings to the most overwhelming force in the universe will benefit anyone trying to tame technology -- critics, eager boosters, and the perplexed alike." -- Kevin Kelly, author of New Rules for the New Economy^"Hundreds of millions of dollars slosh around Silicon Valley every day based on Brian Arthur's ideas." -- John Seeley Brown, former director of PARC^"We launched Java based on Brian Arthur's ideas." -- Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google


"More than any thing else technology creates our world. It creates our wealth, our economy, our very way of being," says W. Brian Arthur. Yet, until now the major questions of technology have gone unanswered. Where do new technologies come from -- how exactly does invention work? What constitutes innovation, and how is it achieved? Why are certain regions -- Cambridge, England, in the 1920s and Silicon Valley today -- hotbeds of innovation, while others languish? Does technology, like biological life, evolve? How do new industries, and the economy itself, emerge from technologies? In this groundbreaking work, pioneering technology thinker and economist W. Brian Arthur sets forth a boldly original way of thinking about technology that gives answers to these questions. The Nature of Technology is an elegant and powerful theory of technology's origins and evolution. It achieves for the progress of technology what Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions did for scientific progress. Arthur explains how transformative new technologies arise and how innovation really works. Conventional thinking ascribes the invention of technologies to "thinking outside the box," or vaguely to genius or creativity, but Arthur shows that such explanations are inadequate. Rather, technologies are put together from pieces -- themselves technologies -- that already exist. Technologies therefore share common ancestries and combine, morph, and combine again to create further technologies. Technology evolves much as a coral reef builds itself from activities of small organisms -- it creates itself from itself; all technologies are descended from earlier technologies. Drawing on a wealth of examples, from historical inventions to the high-tech wonders of today, and writing in wonder fully engaging and clear prose, Arthur takes us on a mind-opening journey that will change the way we think about technology and how it structures our lives.


  • 作者:arieszy 发布时间:2019-01-28 14:12:06



  • 作者:目送飞鸿 发布时间:2020-10-31 18:44:42


  • 作者:容懂 发布时间:2010-05-10 10:29:14

    This is one of the few books that I had high expectation for but chose to throw away after wading through the first chapters. Self-claimed originality and stifling pedantry are just the nature of “Bore-ology”.

  • 作者:森林里的冰工厂 发布时间:2022-03-20 12:23:08

    Sets of language

  • 作者:抽象LAOYA 发布时间:2022-01-23 14:13:27

    1. 许久没有的阅读快感。

    2. 务必读英文版的。

    3. 与《The Innovator's Dilemma》和《Diffusion Of Innovation》两本书一起阅读,收获更多。《The Nature of Technology》从技术哲学角度,比较晦涩,《The Innovator's dilemma》更多的是从商业角度,解决了前者没有说明的purpose(技术的目的);《Innovator's dilemma》也有大量关于disruptive technology颠覆性技术的扩散,《Diffusion Of Innovation》则主要在于论述创新的扩散。

  • 作者:冰湖守夜人 发布时间:2021-03-22 00:28:58

    碎片化论断多,支持多为一些例子,不够有力。有时反反复复说一个观点,且分布在全书的不同部分,bad writer.理论上的问题在于作者尝试将所有purposed system归结在一套规律下,但是如果一套理论能解释经济,政治,法律,商业,技术,etc., 它就什么也不能解释。作者定位是个做computational simulation的实证社会学家,理论著述相对于他的虚拟世界程序来说,并不算非常精彩。


  • 夸夸其谈

    作者:J.T. 发布时间:2018-07-11 21:01:41


    阿瑟这本书表达的主要观点之一,即模块化,不过就是John Holland在他1995年所发表的

    Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity



    技术,就是实现某种目标的手段。从这个意义上说,阿瑟显然如他自己所解释的,误解了科学和技术,他曾提到,科学也是一种技术,其实这就是一种混淆,混淆了知识性的“科学”本身和获得“科学知识”的过程,即在获得科学知识的过程中,人们往往需要大量利用技术,特别是现在。阿瑟以为,技术是捕捉了现象,但是有必要用这么花哨的姿态说话吗?用平实的语言说不好吗?所谓技术是捕捉了现象,其实就是说,所谓“技术”这个玩意儿,就是对一些现象的利用。但是什么是“现象”?就是大自然的laws or principles在自然物质或空间或其他entities上的作用。从这个意义上说,古代的技术才是对现象的捕捉,而现代的技术是对原理的捕捉。但是能不能说利用而不要说捕捉?不装逼会死?

    阿瑟还说,技术存在分层,还存在域。分层就是说,小模块可以组成一个大模块,大模块可能组成更大的模块或系统,这就是阿瑟所谓的分层。域呢?就是有关系能够组装到一起的那些模块统一叫域。阿瑟还说,类似语言,模块组装存在一种语法。不存在语法那是什么?随意组装?我是想说,任何存在秩序的地方,都存在一种语法。貌似Holland正是要破解这种语法,或说算法。就是抛硬币也存在规则,概率嘛。阿瑟还说,创新是需求什么技术的链接。我没有兴趣去翻出来具体的说法了。但是这个需求是发明之母的说法,其实有很多例外。很多发明都不是需求之下发明的,是人们灵机一动就发明出来了。只不过,没有需求的时候,这些发明很少传播,不能够大规模进入文明而已。阿瑟还说,技术的进化体现在零件的升级和结构的deepening上。阿瑟还说,进化的进化存在opportunity niches?我觉得比如这样理解,就如hearthstone里面的卡牌一样,niches都存在,但是通常你并不能同时拥有全部,而只能从少到多来积累;而在积累的过程中,你手中现有的卡牌导致你组成某种deck。这就是阿瑟所谓的不知道未来会选择哪种技术来支撑文化,所要表达的意思。等等。还是要去研究Holland那本书,有很多还没看懂哪。

  • 思维导图笔记给你梳理出来了

    作者:Elon杰克 发布时间:2019-03-16 17:29:38









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