完全掌握新韩国语能力考试TOPIKⅠ<初级>听力(考前对策+全解全练第2版) 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

》完全掌握新韩国语能力考试TOPIKⅠ<初级>听力(考前对策+全解全练第2版)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787562863014
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-12
  • 页数:204
  • 价格:25.68
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
  • 豆瓣讨论:点击查看
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:46:12


2014 年新调整的韩国语能力考试TOPIK 考试分为TOPIK Ⅰ、TOPIK Ⅱ,即TOPIK 初级和TOPIK 中 。新的TOPIK 考试与过去相比,明显提高了考试难度,TOPIK Ⅰ的考查内容变 为阅读+听力,重点考查考生的听力能力。本书主要总结了韩语能力考试听力部分中7大必考题型,“回答”“对话完成”“场所、地点”“短文主题选择”“图案选择”“内容一致”“一题两答”。本书先带考生了解相关的单词和句型后,再用模拟题来测试考生的实力。通过牢牢记住书中重复出现的句型和单词,考生一定能够在考试中取得满意的成绩。





1-0 准备方向

1-1  句型

1-2  单词

1-3 模拟题练习

1-4 模拟题解析

1-5 模拟题单词




2-0 准备方向

2-1  对话

2-2  单词

2-3 模拟题练习

2-4 模拟题解析

题型3:场所 地点



3-0 准备方向

3-1  句型

3-2  单词

3-3 模拟题练习

3-4 模拟题解析

3-5 模拟题单词




4-0 准备方向

4-1  句型

4-2  单词

4-3 模拟题练习

4-4 模拟题解析

4-5 模拟题单词



照对话内容,用排除法来找到答案即可。有时图案的差异并不大,因此要 注意聆听对话内容中的关键词。

5-0 准备方向

5-1  句型

5-2  单词

5-3 模拟题练习

5-4 模拟题解析

5-5 模拟题单词




6-0 准备方向

6-1  句型

6-2  单词

6-3 模拟题练习

6-4 模拟题解析

6-5 模拟题单词




7-0 准备方向

7-1  句型

7-2  单词

7-3 模拟题练习

7-4 模拟题解析

7-5 模拟题单词












2014 年新调整的韩国语能力考试TOPIK 考试分为TOPIK Ⅰ、TOPIK Ⅱ,即TOPIK 初级和TOPIK 中高级。新的TOPIK 考试与过去相比,明显提高了考试难度,TOPIK Ⅰ的考查内容变更为阅读+听力,重点考查考生的听力能力。本书主要总结了韩语能力考试听力部分中7大必考题型,“回答”“对话完成”“场所、地点”“短文主题选择”“图案选择”“内容一致”“一题两答”。本书先带考生了解相关的单词和句型后,再用模拟题来测试考生的实力。通过牢牢记住书中重复出现的句型和单词,考生一定能够在考试中取得满意的成绩。


  • 作者:90 发布时间:2015-02-03 21:15:19


  • 作者:唐啼 发布时间:2017-09-10 08:18:26

    ……正文是未完残本 番外还能补上一些内容可供回味 但它真的太不好看了……

  • 作者:某羊 发布时间:2023-08-05 21:59:11



  • 作者:sos 发布时间:2019-10-06 11:04:40


  • 作者:Slim Mei 发布时间:2024-01-13 16:30:41


  • 作者:辛巴酱 发布时间:2013-01-12 19:21:29



  • A quick list of the bottom lines

    作者:水货 发布时间:2021-04-21 06:11:49

    I will quote the list of all the bottom lines at the end of each chapter. It gives the gist of the book in case you don't want to read through (but still worth reading through it).

    Newborn baths early on are unnecessary, but not damaging. Tub baths are better than sponge baths. (不用洗澡)

    Circumcision has some small benefits and also carries some small risks. The choice is likely to come down largely to preference. (切不切看你)

    Rooming-in doesn’t have any compelling effects on breastfeeding outcomes either way. It is worth being careful about falling asleep with your infant if you choose to keep them with you at all times. (别睡的时候压着)

    Infant weight loss should be monitored and compared with expectations; you can do this yourself at


    Jaundice is monitored with a blood test and should be treated if outside the normal range; you can monitor this yourself at


    Delayed cord clamping is likely recommended, especially if your baby is premature. Vitamin K supplements are a good idea. Eye antibiotics are likely unnecessary for most babies but are mandated in some states and have no known downsides. (听医嘱就行了)

    Swaddling has been shown to reduce crying and improve sleep. It is important to swaddle in a way that allows the baby to move its legs and hips. (裹起来可以帮助睡眠但是勿缚太紧)

    Colic is defined as excessive crying. It is self-limiting, meaning it will stop eventually. Changing formula or maternal diet, treatment with a probiotic, or both have shown some positive impacts. (哭是玄学但可以调整隐身)

    Collecting data on your baby is fun! But not necessary or especially useful. (收集数据很有意思 ++)

    Exposing your infant to germs early on risks their getting sick, and the interventions for a feverish infant are aggressive and typically include a spinal tap. Limiting germ exposure may be a good idea, even if just to avoid these interventions. (别作死让小孩得病)

    It takes time to recover from childbirth.

    You’ll bleed for several weeks. (疼)

    You may have vaginal tearing, which takes a few weeks to heal. (疼)

    A caesarean section is major abdominal surgery, and it will take significant time for you to be mobile again afterward. (疼疼)

    Return to exercise depends a bit on your birth experience, but you can typically start within a week or two, and most women could be back to their pre-pregnancy routine by six weeks. (量力而行)

    There is no set waiting time for sex, although you should wait until you’re ready (and are on birth control if you’re not ready for another child). (别着急打炮)

    Postpartum depression (and related conditions) are common and treatable. Get help as soon as you need it. (抑郁是普遍可治的)

    There are some health benefits to breastfeeding early on, although the evidence supporting them is more limited than is commonly stated. (母乳可能仅早期有健康好处)

    There are likely some long-term health benefits, related to breast cancer, for Mom. (母乳对妈有好处)

    The data does not provide strong evidence for long-term health or cognitive benefits of breastfeeding for your child.

    Breastfeeding can be very hard!

    On early interventions:

    Skin-to-skin contact early on can improve likelihood of breastfeeding success. (早贴着)

    On latching:

    Nipple shields work for some women, although they can be hard to quit.

    There is very limited evidence that fixing a tongue tie or lip tie can improve nursing.

    On pain:

    Fixing a tongue tie can improve pain for Mom.

    There isn’t much evidence on how to fix nipple pain, but focusing on the latch may help.

    If you are still in pain a few minutes into a feeding, or a few weeks into nursing, get help; it could be an infection, which would be treatable, or some other problem with a solution.

    On nipple confusion:

    Not supported in the data. (可以用奶嘴)

    On milk supply:

    The majority of women will have their milk come in within three days after the baby’s birth, but for about a quarter, it will take longer. (三天才有奶别急)

    The biological feedback loop is compelling: nursing more should produce more supply.

    Evidence on the effectiveness of non-drug remedies (e.g., fenugreek) on supply is limited.

    On pumping:

    It sucks.

    There is good evidence that infants who sleep on their back are at lower risk for SIDS. (后背睡)

    There is moderate evidence that bed sharing is risky. (一张床可能有风险)

    These risks are much higher if you or your partner smokes or drinks alcohol. (家长别烟酒high)

    There is some less-good evidence that room sharing is beneficial.

    The benefits to room sharing die out in the first few months.(一屋子或许有好处,几月后就没了)

    Infant and child sleep may be better if your child sleeps alone after the first few months.

    In the crib:

    Wearable blanket: check!

    Bumpers: very small risk, although small benefits as well.

    Sleeping on a sofa with an infant is extremely dangerous. (别睡沙发)

    There are some broad guidelines for sleep schedule.

    Longer nighttime sleep develops around two months.

    Move to three regular naps around four months.

    Move to two regular naps around nine months.

    Move to one regular nap around fifteen to eighteen months.

    Drop napping around age three.

    There is tremendous variability across children, which you mostly cannot control. (睡眠方差太大)

    The most consistent schedule feature is wake-up time between six and eight a.m.

    Earlier bedtime = longer sleep.

    Vaccinations are safe. (疫苗打)

    A very small share of people have allergic reactions, which are treatable.

    There are some extremely rare adverse events, most of which occur in immune-compromised children.

    The only more common risks are fever and febrile seizures, which are also rare and do not do long-term harm.

    There is no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism, and much evidence to refute such a link.

    Vaccines prevent children from getting sick.

    Babies benefit from their mothers taking some maternity leave. However, there is little evidence suggesting that having a stay-at-home parent after the parental leave period has either good or bad consequences for children. (家长该歇歇,该上班上班)

    Decisions about whether to have a parent stay home should consider your preferences, along with consequences for your family budget in both the short and long term.

    Stop judging people!

    With any childcare arrangement, quality matters. For day care, in particular, you can use some simple tools to try to do your own quality evaluation.

    On average, more time in day-care centers seems to be associated with slightly better cognitive outcomes and slightly worse behavior outcomes.

    The positive effects of day care present more at older ages, the negative ones more at younger ages. (不用太早daycare)

    Kids in day care get sick more, but develop more immunity.

    Parenting quality swamps childcare choices in its importance, so make sure you pick something that works for you as a parent as well.

    “Cry it out” methods are effective at encouraging nighttime sleep. (“让丫哭”方法可以增进夜间睡眠)

    There is evidence that using these methods improves outcomes for parents, including less depression and better general mental health.

    There is no evidence of long- or short-term harm to infants; if anything, there may be some evidence of short-term benefits.

    There is evidence of success for a wide variety of specific methods, and little to distinguish between them.

    The most important thing is consistency: choose a method you can stick with, and stick with it.

    Early exposure to allergens reduces incidences of food allergies. (早吃可减弱食物过敏)

    Kids take time to get used to new flavors, so it is valuable to keep trying a food even if they reject it at first, and early exposure to varying flavors increases acceptance.

    There is not much evidence behind the traditional food-introduction recommendations; no need to do rice cereal first if you do not want to.

    Baby-led weaning doesn’t have magical properties (at least not based on what we know now), but there is also no reason not to do it if you want to.

    Vitamin D supplementation is reasonable, but don’t freak out about missing a day here and there.

    Delayed motor development can be a signal of more serious issues, the most common of which is cerebral palsy.

    Variation in motor development within the (very wide) normal range is not a cause for concern.

    There are many approaches to evaluating motor skills; your pediatrician is your best partner in doing so.

    Children get many, many colds—about one per month for the winter, at least until school age. Lotion tissues. Lots of lotion tissues.

    Your zero- to two-year-old cannot learn from TV. (两岁之前看电视学不了啥)

    A three- to five-year-old can learn from TV. (但三到五岁就可以了)

    It is worth paying attention to what they are watching.

    The evidence is sparse overall. When in doubt, use your “Bayesian priors” to complement the data.

    There are some standard tools to determine child vocabulary size, which you can use on your own. There are also some metrics you can compare.

    Girls develop language faster than boys, on average, although there is a lot of overlap across genders.

    The timing of language development does have some link with later outcomes—test scores, reading—but the predictive power is weak for any individual child.

    Age at toilet training has increased over time, very likely as a result of parents choosing to train later.

    Starting training earlier leads to earlier completion on average, although it generally takes longer; starting intensive training before twenty-seven months does not seem to lead to earlier completion.

    There is little evidence on the efficacy of child-led training versus more intensive, goal-oriented methods.

    Refusal to poop on the toilet is a common complication with some limited solutions.

    There are a variety of programs that have been shown to improve children’s behavior. These focus on consistent rewards and punishments, and avoiding parental anger.

    Examples include 1-2-3 Magic and the Incredible Years, among others.

    Spanking has not been shown to improve behavior and, indeed, has been associated with worse behavior in the short term and even through adulthood. (别打屁)

    There is some support for the value of reading to your children starting in infancy. (多给孩子读书)

    Your baby cannot learn to read. Whether your two- or three-year-old can is unclear, but it would be very unusual for them to be a fluent reader.

    Evidence on the value of different preschool philosophies is limited.

    Marital satisfaction does decline, on average, after children.

    These declines are smaller and briefer if you’re happier before children, and if the kids are planned.

    Unequal division of labor and less sex probably do play some role, although it is hard to get a sense of how important these are.

    There is some small-scale evidence suggesting marital counseling and “marriage checkup” programs can improve happiness.

    The data doesn’t provide much guidance about the ideal number of children or birth interval between them.

    There may be some risks to very short intervals, including preterm birth and (possibly) higher rates of autism.

    Excerpt From: Emily Oster. “Cribsheet: A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, From Birth to Preschool.” Apple Books.

    + One important quote, on random things to worry about:

    “I’d probably just try not to think about that.” ( 别瞎操心)

  • 永远的约定—努力做一个好父亲

    作者:每月一书 发布时间:2016-07-27 12:40:25








    小豆豆在就读巴学园的时候,与校长之间有个约定“长大后当巴学园的老师”。镰田实在十八岁那年,和父亲岩次郎也有过一个约定, “绝不能忘记穷人和弱者。”







    黑柳彻子每次去难民营,总要拥抱那些孩子,因为她知道,孩子们渴望被人拥抱。镰田医生更是从医学的角度解释,当一个母亲搂住孩子时,大人小孩身上都发生变化。母亲抱着孩子时,她的大脑中一种叫“幸福荷尔蒙”的血清素分泌增加。如果说你怀抱婴儿、闻到婴儿身上的气味而感到 幸福,便会觉得婴儿可爱。孩子大脑也会养成分泌血清素的习惯,使孩子成为一个感受到幸福人的人。幸福感是可以训练的。镰田也提到了自己是一个被领养的孩子,母亲却总是拥抱他。所以他非常爱母亲,母亲也非常爱他。






















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