2024版王后雄 教材完全解读 高中政治 选择性必修2 法律与生活与性质 人教版RJ 高二政治选修二同步教材辅导资料书复习题练习册 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

2024版王后雄 教材完全解读 高中政治 选择性必修2 法律与生活与性质 人教版RJ 高二政治选修二同步教材辅导资料书复习题练习册精美图片

2024版王后雄 教材完全解读 高中政治 选择性必修2 法律与生活与性质 人教版RJ 高二政治选修二同步教材辅导资料书复习题练习册电子书下载地址

》2024版王后雄 教材完全解读 高中政治 选择性必修2 法律与生活与性质 人教版RJ 高二政治选修二同步教材辅导资料书复习题练习册电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

2024版王后雄 教材完全解读 高中政治 选择性必修2 法律与生活与性质 人教版RJ 高二政治选修二同步教材辅导资料书复习题练习册书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787569524581
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2023-07
  • 页数:190
  • 价格:21.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:41:07

















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  • 評赵鼎新的評論-甚麼”西方比较历史方法的阴影“?

    作者:Allergies 发布时间:2009-09-19 18:14:15

    其實赵鼎新指出來的所謂問題, 作者都有一一論及。

    赵鼎新可能沒有看清楚, 也可能他用有色眼鏡來看書,認定任何的中西比較都不行。

    關於“西方比较历史方法的阴影,” 作者在第一章這樣寫的:

    如果春秋战国与近代早期欧洲在国际和国内政治方面都有这么多相似性的话,那为什么中国最终出现了一个强制性的普世帝国,而欧洲却可以一直保持多国均势状态。这仅仅是因为两者不可比较吗?毕竟,这两个体系在文化上代表了东、西方的两极,在地理上分别坐落在欧亚大陆的两端,在时间上相隔两千年。因此,中欧两大体系的比较研究不能遵循主流的“共同基础”比较法(common foundations method),这种方法要求研究者根据共性最大化原则,通过比较两个只有一个变量变化、其他变量完全相同的案例来检验命题的有效性。 然而,研究历史的社会科学家们观察到,其他条件相同假定(ceteris paribus assumption)几乎无法应用在历史比较研究中。 如果学者们严格遵循这条原则,那么比较研究就只能限定在邻国范围之内。

    为了打破这种不必要的限制,越来越多的学者开始抛弃普适性理论转而集中关注因果机制,因为前者的目的是建立永恒不变的定律,而后者则研究偶然性的变化如何导致不同的结果。 乔恩·埃尔斯特(Jon Elster)指出,“机制的显著特征不在于它是否能广泛地适用于预测和控制社会事件,而在于它所蕴含的因果链是否具有普遍性和精确性,以使我们能够在迥然不同的环境下确定相似的因果机制”。 道格拉斯·麦克亚当(Douglas McAdam)、西德尼·塔罗(Sidney Tarrow)和查尔斯·蒂利甚至毫不含糊地放弃了“共同基础”研究法(common foundations method),并提倡“非共同基础”研究法(uncommon foundations method)。 他们使用“不同案例进行成对比较”,以期发现反复出现的因果机制如何能够与变动的初始状况和客观环境以不同方式结合起来,从而产生差异极大的后果。 我在本书中采用这种名为历史-制度主义的方法,并对初始状况、客观环境、时间选择和路径依赖给予特别关注。 同时,我还根据国际政治的结构主义方法来检验战争的压力如何在不同时空下导致相似的因果机制。蒂利巧妙地捕捉到了这一点,他说:“欧洲与中国在政治过程方面有很多相似性,但因为这些相似的过程出现在不同的时序、不同的组合和不同的环境当中,因而产生迥异的结果。”

    当我们关注因果机制而不是普世法则时,就可以不用欧洲的视角来透视春秋战国。埃德加·凯泽(Edgar Kiser)和蔡泳(Yong Cai)在研究官僚理论时就将秦朝视为“经验上的局外之物和理论上的反常之物”。 许多国际关系学界的同僚同样也希望我提出这样的问题,即为什么均势在春秋战国时期的国际体系中失败了? 王国斌观察到,当我们视欧洲经验为规范而非西方经验为异常时,我们便会错误地“寻找世界其他地方走错路的原因”。 这个“为什么不这样”的研究问题还假定社会发展的单向性(unidirectonality),因此导致我们难以理解不同的发展轨迹。 查尔斯·蒂利建议我们应该考虑“西方经验或许只是幸运的尝试,一种失常的发展,一个死胡同,或者仅是许多可能的路径中的一种”。 因此,我视春秋战国为“任何合理理论必须能够圆满解释的重要案例”,而非一个偏离了欧洲范围的“反常案例”。

    与此同时,我不认为欧洲中心论必然不能应用于非欧洲环境。 正如王国斌所指出的那样,“欧洲中心论的世界观虽然片面,但它并不一定比从其他角度的研究更错(或对)。” 中国中心论认为中国是一个独特的个案。虽然欧洲中心论者错误地认定制衡是普世的规律,但中国中心论者也错误地假定普世帝国和专制传统是中国历史发展的必然过程。这两种观点所犯的错误都是以回顾的方式来研究历史,即从现代政治现象出发,回头向历史中寻找原因。这种研究方法造就了所谓“事后诸葛亮式的确定性”,它会蒙蔽我们的眼睛,让我们看不到种种“被压制的历史可能性”和未经尝试的历史路径。 它还埋葬了“数百个曾经盛极一时但后来消失的国家”。 更好的研究方法是从历史形成阶段往前探寻曾经可能的路径及其结果。

    为了追寻中国和欧洲所展现出来的历史,我还根据王国斌提出的“对称的观点”,从欧洲的视角来评估中国和从中国的视角来评估欧洲。 这种方法相当于将近代早期欧洲当作一个“反事实的中国”,以及将春秋战国当作一个“反事实的欧洲”。标准的反事实思想试验(counterfactual thought experiment)要求分析者追问如果假设的原因不存在会发生什么事。 但这种假想的反事实推理方法对于系统分析和宏观历史研究用处不大,因为相互联系的现象“无法每次只改变一个变量”。 然而,这个困难可以解决,办法就是使用真实的案例来“锁定”(anchor)反事实推理。 在本书的历史分析中,我首先以欧洲中心论来检验春秋战国,再用春秋战国的经验来检验近代早期欧洲。

    In the English version:


    If ancient China resembled early modern Europe in both international and domestic politics, then why is it that a coercive universal empire triumphed in the former but checks and balances predominated in the latter? Is it simply because ancient China and early modern Europe are not comparable cases? After all, the two systems represent extreme ends of East and West in terms of culture; they are located on opposite sides of the Eurasian continent in terms of space; and they are separated by more than two millennia in terms of time. As such, these two systems are not amenable to the principle of maximizing underlying commonalities, which requires the researcher to “test the validity of propositions by making comparisons between two situations that are identical except for one variable.” However, historically-grounded social scientists have observed that the ceteris paribus assumption almost never holds in comparative history. If scholars strictly follow this principle, then comparative studies would be confined to mostly neighboring countries.

    To break out of this unnecessary restraint, more and more scholars have set aside universal theories, which make invariable propositions irrespective of contexts, and focused on causal mechanisms, which have varying effects depending on contexts. As Jon Elster puts it, “[t]he distinctive feature of a mechanism is not that it can be universally applied to predict and control social events, but that it embodies a causal chain that is sufficiently general and precise to enable us to locate it in widely different settings.” Douglas McAdam, Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly even unambiguously abandon the “common foundations” method and advocate the “uncommon foundations” method. They use “paired comparisons of uncommon cases” to find out how recurrent causal mechanisms combine differently with varying initial and environmental conditions to produce radically different outcomes. I adopt this historical-institutionalist approach and pay special attention to initial and environmental conditions, timing, and path dependence. At the same time, I also follow the structural approach common in international politics and examine how the pressure of war compelled similar causal mechanisms across time and space. As Tilly neatly captures it, “Europe shared many political processes with China, but put them together in different sequences, combinations, and environments, with dramatically different consequences.”

    When we focus on causal mechanisms instead of universal laws, it is also possible to refrain from examining ancient China through the lenses of the European trajectory. Edgar Kiser and Yong Cai study Qin China as “an empirical outlier and a theoretical anomaly” for theories of bureaucratization. Many colleagues in international relations have likewise expected me to address the question “Why did the balance of power fail in the ancient Chinese system?” As Bin Wong observes, when we take the European experience as the norm and non-Western experiences as abnormal, we are led “to search for what went wrong in other parts of the world.” Another problem with the “why not?” question is that it presumes “a unidirectionality of social development” and so makes it difficult to understand alternative trajectories. Charles Tilly suggests that we should consider “the possibility that the Western experience was a lucky shot, an aberration, a dead end, or simply one among many paths.” Hence, I treat ancient China as “a significant case that must be integrally explained by any theory that is to be considered adequate,” rather than a “deviant case” that diverges from the European norm.

    At the same time, I do not think that Eurocentric theories are necessarily inapplicable to non-European contexts. As Wong points out, “Eurocentric views of the world are inadequate, but they are not necessarily more wrong (or right) than comparisons made from other vantage points.” The Sinocentric claim to Chinese uniqueness is particularly problematic. While it is wrong for Europeanists to presume that checks and balance represent the norm, it is also wrong for Sinologists to assume that the universal empire and the authoritarian tradition represent the inevitable course of Chinese history. Both views commit the mistake of studying history retrospectively by looking at political phenomena at the present and working backward for their causes. Such an approach produces a “certainty of hindsight bias” that blinds us to various “suppressed historical alternatives” or paths not taken. It also buries the “hundreds of states that once flourished but then disappeared.” A better approach is to work prospectively by beginning at formative stages in history and searching forward for alternative paths and outcomes.

    In tracing Chinese and European histories as they unfold, I also follow Bin Wong’s “symmetric perspectives” by evaluating China from the European perspective and evaluating Europe from the Chinese perspective. This approach is tantamount to using early modern Europe as a real “counterfactual China” and ancient China as a real “counterfactual Europe.” In the standard counterfactual thought experiment, the analyst asks what would have happened if a hypothesized cause had been absent. But this imaginary counterfactual method is of little use to systems analyses or macro-historical studies because interrelated phenomena “cannot change one at a time.” This difficulty, however, can be solved by using real cases to anchor the counterfactual. In the historical analysis, I will first examine ancient China in light of Eurocentric theories and then early modern Europe in light of the ancient Chinese experience.

  • 就这样和托普擦肩而过

    作者:铂程斋@喷嚏网 发布时间:2007-08-04 14:37:57


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