企业税会差异分析与纳税申报操作实务 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025
作者:西祠 发布时间:2010-04-10 22:40:58
作者:daisy 发布时间:2022-10-06 09:04:27
作者:绿牧场小霸王 发布时间:2020-06-12 14:46:29
作者:ly的读享生活 发布时间:2019-09-04 17:49:53
作者:室内滂沱 发布时间:2012-07-24 15:05:17
作者:YAYA 发布时间:2018-10-27 09:34:46
作者:陈 烨 发布时间:2021-09-26 21:23:51
作者:我的憔你的悔 发布时间:2019-03-14 11:50:29
看到有豆友 说 1)裘小龙的这本 《红英之死》有很多,诗歌应用;2)我也发现有不少美食的说法;3)和大段 传统文化的讲解。与其说它是本 侦探书,还不如说是 披着破案外皮的文化输出。
反映当时的思想:A model worker in the early nineties, Guan might have had more realistic worries. While on display, young, vivacious, she could admire her reflection in the ever-changing window of politics, but she must have been aware that her charm was fading. The myth of the model worker, though still honored in the Party newspapers, now appealed to few. Intellectuals got media attention知识分子得到媒体关注. Entrepreneurs got money企业家赚钱. TOEFL test takers got passports考托福拿到护照、签证. HCC got positions高干子弟仕途提拔. A model worker got less and less.而劳模得到的越来越少。【Chapter 35】
1、Waist so slender, weightless she dances on my palm! 楚腰纤细掌中轻【典故】Emancipated wasp蜂腰. An image invented by Li Yu, the last emperor of the Southern Tang dynasty, also a brilliant poet, who depicted his favorite imperial concubine’s ravishing beauty in several celebrated poems. The poet-emperor was afraid that he might break her in two by holding her too tightly. It was said that the custom of foot-binding裹脚 also started in Li Yu’s reign. There was no accounting for taste, Chen reflected.
2、Two lines from Li Shangyin’s “Zither”李商隐《锦瑟》 came to his mind:The zither, for no reason, has half of its strings broken,One string, one peg, evoking the memory of the youthful years. 锦瑟无端几十弦,一弦一柱思华年
3、Twenty years has passed like a dream.It is a wonder that we are still here, together. 二十余年如一梦,此身虽在堪惊Two lines from Chen Yuyi陈与义, a Song dynasty poet, came to Chief Inspector Chen, but he was not sure whether he had omitted one or two words.
4、Little things, but all of them seemed to be adding up into something like an image he had once come across in Tang and Song dynasty writings:Slender, supple, she’s just thirteen or so,The tip of a cardamom bud, in early March. 娉娉袅袅一少女,豆蔻梢头二月初
5、Who can control stories, the stories after one’s life?The whole village is jumping at the romantic tale of General Cai. 斜阳古柳赵家庄,负骨盲翁正作场。身后是非谁管得,满村听说蔡中郎【典故】In this poem by Lu You陆游, the “romantic tale” refers to a totally fictitious romance专写听鼓词的诗作《小舟游近村舍舟步归》 between General Cai 蔡伯喈[jiē]and Zhao Wuniang赵武娘 of the late Han dynasty. The village audience would have been interested in hearing the story, regardless of its historical authenticity.
6、“But you must have stolen the image from Li He’s ‘Watching a Beauty Comb Her Hair.’李贺“陡陀梳碧凤” The image about the green comb in her long hair.” “No, I didn’t, but I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s from another two classical lines—With the green skirt of yours in my mind, everywhere, / Everywhere I step over the grass ever so lightly.” 记得绿衣裳。处处怜芳草Our policewoman’s uniform is green, and so, too, the spring, and the package. Looking out in the rain, I had the impression of her long hair being washed green, too.”
7、What might have crowded into Guan’s(关红英) mind during such a long night? He thought of a poem by the mid-Tang dynasty poet Wang Changling: Boudoir-sheltered, the young lady knows no worries,Fashionably dressed, she looks out of the window in spring.What a view of green willow shoots —all of a sudden:She regrets having sent her love away fighting for fame.闺怨作者:【唐】王昌龄闺中少妇不知愁,春日凝妆上翠楼。忽见陌头杨柳色,悔教夫婿觅封侯。
8、Helpless the flowers fall,The swallows return, seemingly no strangers. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。A brilliant couplet. Often people see something for the first time, but with the feeling of having seen it before, of déjà vu(法语déjà vu,中文翻译为“既视感”、“似曾相识”) . Such a phenomenon had been attributed to the effects of half-remembered dreams or else to misfiring neurons in the brain. Whatever the interpretation, Chen, too, had a feeling—both strange and familiar—like the swallows in Yan’s lines晏殊词中的燕子, of having visited Guan’s world. As he held the book in his hand, the feeling was mixed with the elusive memories of his college years in Beijing. . . .
9、There was, perhaps, one side of him that had always been bookish, nostalgic, or introspective. Sentimental, or even somewhat sensual in a classic Chinese version—”fragrance from the red sleeves imbues your reading at night.” 红袖添香夜读书But there was also another side to him. Not so much antiromantic as realistic, though not as ambitious as Wang had accused him of being at the Riverfront Cafe. A line memorized in his college years came back to him: “The most useless being is a poor bookworm.”百无一用是书生 It was by Gao Shi, a well-known general,中唐将军高适 successful in the mid-Tang dynasty, and a first-class poet at the same time.General Gao had lived in an era when the once prosperous Tang dynasty was torn by famine, corruption, and wars, so the talented poet-general had taken it upon himself to make a difference—through his political commitment—for the country.
10、Having failed to elicit the expected response from her son, she turned to her husband. “Look, this must be the stream where Daiyu buries the fallen flower,” 黛玉葬花she exclaimed. “Daiyu buries her flower?” he said, at a total loss. “Remember the poem by Daiyu—’I’m burying the flower today, but who’s going to bury me tomorrow?.’“ 侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁?
11、They had known each other since their early childhood. “Playmates on stilted bamboo horses, / Chasing each other, plucking green plum blossoms.” 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅Doctor Xia had copied the couplet from Li Bai’s “Zhanggan Song”李白《长干行》 on two red silk streamers for Yu and Peiqin’s wedding.
12、“Look at the couplet on the moon-shaped door,” Peiqin said. Hill upon hill, the road seems to be lost,Willows and flowers, another village appears.山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村----宋代诗人陆游的作品《游山西村》
13、“Well, you never know. ‘Green, green grass spreading out everywhere,’天涯何处无芳草“ he said, pleased to make another quick-witted allusion which suggested that she had readers and students everywhere who appreciated her work.
14、“Wang, I have to ask a favor of you.”“People never go to a Buddhist temple without asking for help.” 无事不登三宝殿“They do not grab Buddha’s legs unless in desperation,” he said, knowing she enjoyed his repartee. A cliché for a cliché.陈词滥调“Grab or pull Buddha’s legs?” She giggled.
15、He resumed his reading. For the next twenty minutes, however, he did not come across a single issue containing Wu’s work, and he had to wait again. So he started reading something else. A collection of Bian Zilin’s poems卞之琳诗集. A brilliant Chinese modernist, Bian should have enjoyed much more recognition. There was a short one entitled “Fragment” 短诗《断章》Chen especially liked—”Looking at the scene from the window above, / You become somebody else’s scene. / The moon decorating your window, / you decorate somebody’s dream.” 断章作者:卞之琳你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。
16、After all, a man is only what he has decided to do, or not to do.Some things a man will do; some things a man will not do.君子有所为,有所不为。(出自《论语》的《义礼篇》) It was another Confucian truism his father had taught him. Maybe deep inside, he was conservative, traditional, even old-fashioned—or politically correct. The bottom line was no.
17、“‘By the wine urn, the girl is the moon, / Her bare arms frost-white.’垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪“ Chen quoted a couplet from Wei Zhuang’s “Reminiscence of the South.” 韦庄的《忆江南?菩萨蛮》 “I’m tempted to think that Wei was describing a scene in Guangzhou, not too far from this booth.”
18、Confucius said, “To eat and to mate is human nature.” 孔子曰:食色,性也
19、He added two lines of Li Bai to the note to him(欧阳): Deep as the Peach Blossom Lake can be,But not so deep as your song you sing for me. 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。(李白的《赠汪伦》 )Then he checked out.
20、He did not say anything more. There was no point elaborating on his defense, but he remembered what his father had once said to him. “A man is willing to die for the one who appreciates him, and a woman makes herself beautiful for the one who appreciates her.”士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。(出自《战国策.赵策一》) Another quotation from Confucius. Chen did not worship Confucius, but some of his sayings seemed to stick with him.
21、He remembered several lines by Liu Yong, written during the Song dynasty: Where shall I find myselfTonight, waking from the hangover —The riverbank lined with weeping willows,The moon sinking, the dawn rising on a breeze.Year after year, I will be far,Far away from you.All the beautiful scenes are unfolding,But to no avail:Oh, to whom can I speakOf this ever enchanting landscape? 今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有千种风情,更与何人说?(出自 柳永《雨霖铃》)A reversal of positions. In Liu’s poem, Liu was the one leaving his love behind, but now Wang was leaving him.
22、“I’m thinking of some lines about another river,” Rosenthal said. “In ‘East Coke《东库克》r,’ Eliot compares the river to a brown god.” “An ancient Chinese philosopher compared the people to river water,” Chen said, “‘Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat.’“水能载舟,亦能覆舟 “Lost in The Waste Land’《荒原》 again?” Vicky said with mock irritation. “It would be a shame to lose the sight of the wonderful river.”
23、“Sorry I cannot reach you today. How I miss our poetry discussion over morning tea! I have just bought two volumes. One is a collection of Li Shangyin.李商隐 “When, when can we snuff the candle by the western window again, / and talk about the moment of Mount Ba in the rain?” 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。(出自:李商隐《夜雨寄北》)“The other one is Yan Rui’s宋代严蕊的《卜算子?不是爱风尘》. I particularly like the poem from which our great leader Chairman Mao borrowed the image: “What will leave leaves, / What will stay stays. / When mountain flowers adorn my hair, / Don’t ask where my home will be.” 去也终须去。住也如何住。若得山花插满头,莫问奴归处。(出自:毛泽东的《卜算子?不是爱风尘》)
24、Chief Inspector Chen decided to ask Lu to call Ouyang for him, and to cite another poem for caution’s sake. When he got back to the office, he thought of a couplet by Wang Changling: If my folks and friends in Luoyang ask about me, / Tell them: an ice-pure heart, a crystal vase.洛阳亲友如想问,一片冰心在玉壶。(出自:王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐二首》其一)
25、An image came to him—a lady in ancient attire on a Lantern Festival card that she had sent him, and he had kept for years— first juxtaposed with Ling, then merged with her. It was the image of a lonely woman standing under a weeping willow, with a poem by Zhu Shuzheng朱淑真, a brilliant female Song dynasty poet: At the Lantern Festival this year,The lanterns and the moon are the same as before,But where is the man I met last year?My spring sleeves are soaked with tears. 今年元夜时 ,月与灯依旧。不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖。(出自宋代欧阳修(一说朱淑真)的《生查子?元夕》 )
26、“Remember the two lines from General Yue Fei? 岳飞‘I will kowtow to Heaven / when the land is set in order.’待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天阙。(出自宋朝诗人岳飞的《满江红?怒发冲冠》) To set our land in order, that is what you want, and what I want.”
27、Perhaps it was time to turn over a new leaf. Overseas Chinese Lu had been doing well with Moscow Suburb. According to an ancient proverb, “You have to look at a man anew after three days.” 士别三日,当刮目相看。
28、“Good idea,” Old Hunter said. “As that old saying goes, you have to use a strong drug for a desperate disease.”猛药治陈疴“And report to me directly.”“That’s fine. Like son, like father.有其父必有其子 Where are you going to put me?”
29、But Wang already seemed to be as far away as the woman referred to by Li Shangyin: Master Liu regrets that Mount Peng is too far away / And I, thousands of times farther away from the mountains.“刘郎已恨蓬山远,更隔蓬山一万重”(出自李商隐《无题?来是空言去绝踪》)
30、Who says that the splendor of a grass blade returnsThe love of the spring that forever returns?谁言寸草心,抱得三春晖 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the main dishes, there were chunks of pork stomach on a bed of green napa, thin slices of smoked carp spread on fragile leaves of jicai, and steamed peeled shrimp with tomato sauce猪肚、熏鱼和茄汁虾仁. There was also a platter of eels with scallions and ginger姜爆鳝丝, which he had ordered from a restaurant.
Squid stew with pork墨鱼大烤
Chen did not answer the question. He had a ready excuse in busily unwrapping the beggar’s chicken叫花鸡. It smelled wonderful. The recipe had supposedly originated when a beggar baked a soil-and-lotus-leaf-wrapped chicken in a pile of ashes. The result was an astonishing success. It must have taken Lu a long time to cook.---
Chen arrived at six thirty, carrying in one hand a small urn of Shaoxing sticky rice wine一小壶绍兴黄酒—Maiden Red女儿红. The perfect wine for crabs.
Chen had his black leather briefcase, as usual, in his other hand.。。。“Let’s talk over our meal,” Peiqin cut in. “The crabs cannot wait.”
It was an excellent meal, a crab banquet蟹宴. On the cloth-covered table the crabs appeared rounded, red and white, in small bamboo steamers.大闸蟹各个圆鼓鼓、油红的背部、雪白的肚、摆在小小竹蒸笼上。 The small brass hammer shone among the blue and white saucers青花瓷碟子. The rice wine was nicely warmed黄酒温的恰到好处, displaying an amber color under the light. On the windowsill, a bouquet of chrysanthemums stood in a glass vase, perhaps two or three days old, thinner, but still exquisite. “I should have brought my Canon to photograph the table, the crabs, and the chrysanthemums,” Chen said, rubbing his hands. “It could be an illustration torn from The Dream of the Red Chamber.”就好像是《红楼梦》里面撕下来的一幅插图
“You’re talking about Chapter Twenty-eight, aren’t you? Baoyu and his ‘sisters’ composing poems over a crab banquet,” Peiqin said, squeezing out the leg meat for Qinqin. “Alas, this is not a room in the Grand View Garden.大观园”
The so-called Gourmet Street was a living menu. Underneath a multitude of signs, a variety of exotic animals珍稀动物 were exhibited in cages of different sizes outside the restaurants along the street. Guangdong cuisine was well-known for its wild imagination. Snake soup, dog stew, monkey brain dip, wildcat, or bamboo-rat dishes蛇肉、狗肉、猴脑、猫肉还有老鼠肉,都是盘中美味. With the live animals exhibited in the cages, customers would have no doubt about the freshness of the fare.
A middle-aged woman was peeling a water snake剥水蛇皮 by the cage. With its head chopped off, the snake was still twitching in a wooden basin, but in a couple of minutes, a coil of white meat would be steamed in a brown earthware pot褐色煲锅. The paper lantern cast a ruddy light on their faces and the tiny cups in their hands. In Guangzhou, Chen had heard, there was nothing with four legs that people had not found a way to turn into a delicacy.四条腿的广东人就吃。 And he was witnessing such a miracle: Omelet with river clams, meatballs of four happiness, fried rice field eel, peeled shrimp in tomato containers, eight-treasure rice, shark’s fin soup, a whole turtle with brown sauce, and bean curd stuffed with crabmeat.蛤蜊蒸蛋、四喜丸子、酱爆鳝丝、茄汁虾仁、八宝饭、鱼翅汤、红烧甲鱼、还有蟹粉豆腐。
the chefs specials—fish-fragrance-sauced pigeon鱼露酱鸽子The scallop looked like her big toe. White, soft, round.那个干贝像她的大脚丫,白白软软的 She ate with relish, finishing four pancakes rolled up with roast duck and green onion烤鸭京葱夹饼, a bowl of shrimp dumplings虾肉馄饨, and almost the entire serving of beef tripe牛百叶. He himself did not eat much but he put morsels in her saucer and sipped at his cup of Qingdao beer青岛啤酒.
The surrounding bazaar consisted of numerous small shops selling a variety of local products, but what made the bazaar special was an incredible number of Chinese snack shops, bars and booths. The snacks were not expensive, but delicious in their unique flavors. In his high-school years, Chen had once invited Overseas Chinese Lu and Four-Eyed Jiang 蒋四眼to an ambitious campaign—to sample every snack shop in one afternoon. Their tactic was to share everything. Each tried no more than one small bite. So in one afternoon they had tasted chicken and duck blood soup鸡鸭血汤, radish-shred cake萝卜丝饼, shrimp and meat dumplings虾肉馄饨, beef soup noodles牛肉面, fried bean curd and vermicelli臭豆腐和粉丝汤. . . .
They had not succeeded. Halfway through, their joint funds ran out.
But that had been one of their happiest days.He went out of his way to buy a pound of roast suckling pork一斤烤乳猪(1磅=454g<500g=1斤) in Heavenly Taste天味馆, a new privately run delicatessen. The suckling pork skin looked golden and crisp. “A dish of Suzhou sugar-frosted haw糖衣山楂 to go with the tea?”-----------------------------------------------------------------------
A poem does not have to be about something in the poet’s life. Poetry is impersonal. As T S. Eliot has said, it is not letting loose an emotional crisis—”
Madam A Qin 阿庆嫂was a well-known character in Shajiabang样板戏《沙家浜(bāng)》, a modern Beijing opera performed during the Cultural Revolution, when any romantic passion—even that between husband and wife—had been considered to detract from people’s political commitment. Madam A Qin thus had the convenience of not living with her husband in the opera.The noodle restaurant had changed. He remembered it as a homely place with only four or five tables. Now it appeared more traditionally fashionable. The walls were paneled with oak护墙板, against which hung long silk scrolls of classical Chinese painting and calligraphy.几幅中国字画 There was also an oblong mahogany service counter embellished with a huge brass tea urn and an impressive array of purple sand teapots and cups.大铜茶壶和一套紫壶茶具
A young, fine-featured waitress appeared immediately, slender and light-footed, in a shining scarlet silk Qi skirt闪闪发亮深红色旗袍 with its long slits revealing her olive-colored thighs橄榄色的大腿. She led the way to a table in the corner.
Most of Wu Xiaoming’s subjects were also well known in their respective fields. Chen particularly liked the group of Huang Xiaobai,黄霄白 a celebrated calligrapher. The pictures showed Huang in the act of brush-penning the different strokes in the formation of the Chinese character cheng诚—a horizontal stroke, a dot, a slant stroke, a vertical stroke一点一划一撇一捺—as if each stroke represented a differentphase in his life, culminating in the character meaning “truthful.”YU(于光明): How long did she stay that night?LAI(赖国平): The whole night. Well, more than that. Early next morning, she phoned the department store, asking for sick leave. So we had practically all the next morning in the room. We made love again. We did some shopping in the afternoon. I chose for her a white wool sweater with a red azalea on the right breast.胸口右上方绣着朵红牡丹的白色羊毛衫
The City God’s Temple 城隍庙was said to have been built during the Southern Song dynasty in the fifteenth century. The temple had been rebuilt and refurbished a number of times, the last in 1926. The main hall had been reinforced with concrete, the clay images gilded. In the early sixties, the images had been smashed to pieces as a result of the Socialist Education Movement破四旧, and in the early eighties the temple had undergone another drastic renovation after being used as a general storage place, for it was then turned into an arts-and-crafts shopping center工艺品购物中心. The original appearance of the temple was now restored, with black-painted doors and yellow walls. Its interior presented a dazzling array of shining glass counters and stainless steel shelves. On the door was a couplet engraved in bold brush strokes: Be an honest man so that you can enjoy a peaceful sleep, / Do something good so that God will know about it.(译者没翻译:诚实的人可以睡得安稳,行善的人佛自然会知道。)
There was no retreating. In the worst-case scenario, Chief Inspector Chen was prepared to resign, to work in Overseas Chinese Lu’s restaurant. In the Western Han dynasty, Sima Xiangru司马相如 had done the same thing, opening a tiny tavern, wearing short pants, sweating, ladling wine out of a huge urn, and Wenjun文君 had followed him, serving the wine to customers, smiling like a lotus blossom in the morning breeze, her delicate eyebrows suggesting a distant mountain range. All the details could have been the romantic imagination of Ge Hong葛洪, of course, in The Sketches of the Western Capital. 《西京杂记》But it would be honest work, and an easy conscience. To make a living just like others, whether or not he had a Wenjun at his side—possibly a Russian girl in a Chinese Qi skirt, with the fashionable high slits revealing her white thighs, her red hair flashing against the gray walls.
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Had Guan Hongying also been like this? Weightless, substanceless, nothing but a prop, being played with at will in Wu’s hands.
And he thought of Wang
Everything was possible to a lover. Had he been such a lover?
He could not give himself an answer.
The willow looming through the mist,
I find my hair disheveled, and the cicada-shaped pin
fallen on the bed.
What care have I about my days afterward,
As long as you enjoy me to the full tonight?
Another stanza by Wei Zhuang韦庄. In traditional literary criticism, it was viewed as a political analogy, but to Chen, it was simply a female’s sacrifice for the magic of passion. Like Wang, who had been the more courageous, more self-sacrificing one, that night in his apartment, and then again the night in the phone booth.
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