全新正版图书 学生实用英汉双解词典说词解字辞书研究中心 华语教学出版社9787513803076蔚蓝书店 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

全新正版图书 学生实用英汉双解词典说词解字辞书研究中心 华语教学出版社9787513803076蔚蓝书店精美图片
》全新正版图书 学生实用英汉双解词典说词解字辞书研究中心 华语教学出版社9787513803076蔚蓝书店电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

全新正版图书 学生实用英汉双解词典说词解字辞书研究中心 华语教学出版社9787513803076蔚蓝书店书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787513803076
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-07
  • 页数:1015
  • 价格:10.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:49:27


正版图书保证质量 七天无理由退货让您购物无忧








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  • 作者:蛋包饭occult 发布时间:2023-09-26 17:39:31


  • 作者:王小麦 发布时间:2021-08-16 09:17:11


  • 作者:fzy888 发布时间:2012-03-25 17:52:33

    本科生 申请美国本科学校,案例为主,简单点评,简单附录

  • 作者:青鸟艺姐 发布时间:2024-01-03 08:36:03


  • 作者:林小林 发布时间:2016-10-06 20:19:26

    内容泛泛而谈。一本画册而已。广告就广告,别这么大言不惭的说是驾驶圣经。内容被人民交通出版社的 「安全驾驶从这里开始」碾压在地 。开头 BMW 高级培训师董威君写的序言里吹捧 「这本驾驶圣经能够让人读懂车」,读懂你妹。回到书的装帧,我还是很喜欢的,纸张不错,设计不错,然而内容是垃圾,好在免费,仅此而已的一本书,不值得再次翻阅。简直侮辱圣经二字。

  • 作者:Pikapika 发布时间:2023-05-23 00:40:45



  • Kitsch的“走出來,活下去!”

    作者:wavyfly 发布时间:2018-11-24 19:11:50


    # 2015《AfterYou》5+1=6/10






    And when she spoke, her eyes were both fierce and searching. ‘His name is Will Traynor.’

    There was some documentary on television about assisted suicide and they mentioned his name and Mum totally freaked out for no reason and ran to the bathroom and Fuckface went after her so obviously I listened outside. And she was in total shock because she hadn’t even known that he’d ended up in a wheelchair. I heard the whole thing. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t know Fuckface wasn’t my real dad. It’s just that my mum only ever said my real dad was an asshole who didn’t want to know me.’

    ‘So, basically, one day Martin was my dad – I mean, I called him Daddy right up until the day he left – and the next he wasn’t. He used to take me to nursery and primary school and everything – and then she decides she’s had enough of him, and I get home and he’s just … gone. It’s her house, so he’s gone. Just like that. And I’m not allowed to see him and I’m not even allowed to talk about him because I’m just dredging things up and being difficult. And obviously she is in so much pain and emotional distress.’

    And when you turn up at someone’s house and they have a baby and, like, a proper family of their own, you realize you’re not part of his family any more. You’re a leftover.’

    ‘You can tell, you know, when someone’s just putting up with you. Even if you’re little. He never wanted me, only my mother. I can sort of understand it – who wants another man’s kid hanging around? So when she had the twins they sent me away to boarding-school. Bang. Job done.’


    The woman stiffened with rage. She was thin, the kind of thin that comes with faddy diets or compulsive exercise; her hair was expensively cut and coloured so that it looked neither, and she was wearing what I assumed were designer jeans. But her face, tanned as it was, betrayed her: she looked exhausted.

    So I decided to go ahead and have Lily. But –’ here she lifted her chin again, as if braced to defend herself – ‘there was no point in telling him. Not after everything he’d said and done.’ My coffee had gone cold. ‘No point in telling him?’ ‘He’d as good as said he didn’t want anything to do with me. He would have acted as if I’d done it deliberately, to trap him or something.’

    ‘Will didn’t deserve to know her.’ The words settled in the air between us. ‘He was an arsehole. Okay? Will Traynor was a selfish arsehole.’ She pushed a strand of hair back from her face. ‘Obviously I didn’t know what had happened to him. That came as a complete shock. But I can’t honestly say it would have made a difference.’


    Sam began to walk down the field. ‘There. That’s the foundations. Took me the best part of three months to get those down.’ ‘You live here?’ ‘Yup.’ I stared at the concrete slabs. When I looked at him, something in his expression made me bite back what I was going to say.

    ‘I get the feeling, Louisa Clark, that when you’re talking to me there’s a whole other conversation going on somewhere else.’

    I was going to step forward and hold him then, to put my arms around him, rest my face against his. But something held me back: a sudden, unbidden image of Will, turning his face away from me, unreachable in his unhappiness. I faltered, then a second too late, reached out a hand instead and touched Sam’s arm. He glanced down at it, frowning slightly, and I had the slightly discomfiting sensation that he knew something of what had just passed through my head.

    ‘Last night. When I was bleeding out. I heard you.’ Our eyes locked. And in that moment everything shifted. I saw what I had really done. I saw that I could be somebody’s centre, their reason for staying. I saw that I could be enough.

    We locked eyes, and he lifted a hand, his palm open, and I lifted mine slowly in return. I fixed that image of him in my imagination – the way he tilted forward, the light on his hair, the steady way he always looked at me – somewhere where I could draw it up on lonely days. Because there would be lonely days. And bad days. And days when I wondered what the hell I had just agreed to be part of. Because that was all part of the adventure too.





    She fidgeted constantly, smoked endless cigarettes, then sat in a silence so loaded I could almost feel the weight of her thoughts.

    Teenagers are basically toddlers with hormones – old enough to want to do stuff without having any of the common sense.

    The young are terrifying, I thought. They are without boundaries. They fear nothing.

    ‘These youngsters should be feeling great about life, but instead they’re just knocking themselves out with every spare pound they earn. Every bloody week.’

    Too many people follow their own happiness without a thought for the damage they leave in their wake. You wouldn’t believe the kids I pick up at the weekends, drunk, drugged, off their heads, whatever. The parents are wrapped up in their own stuff, or have disappeared completely, so they exist in a vacuum, and they make bad choices.


    ‘You know your sister has been reading The Female Eunuch? And some old shite called The Women’s Bedroom or something. She says your mother is a classic example of oppressed womanhood, and that the fact your mother disagrees shows how oppressed she is. She’s trying to tell her I should be doing the cooking and cleaning and making out I’m some fecking caveman.

    We sat there for a good part of the afternoon, avoiding Dad’s increasingly cross texts demanding to know what we were doing. I had never sat with my mother and sister, like normal people, grown-ups, having conversations that didn’t involve putting anything away or somebody being so annoying. We found ourselves surprisingly interested in each other’s lives and opinions, as if we had suddenly realized each of us might have roles beyond the brainy one, the chaotic one, and the one who does all the housework. It was an odd sensation, having to view my family as human beings.

    I swallowed. ‘Mum, you’re not going to get divorced, are you?’ Her eyes shot open. ‘Divorced? I’m a good Catholic girl, Louisa. We don’t divorce. We just make our men suffer for all eternity!’

    He finally turned to face me. ‘What if she decides that I’m the one with no life? What if all this new stuff turns her head and …’ He gulped. ‘What if she leaves me behind?’

    ‘Oh, love, I’ve missed the bones of you.’ My mother put her arms around my father’s neck and kissed him. The relief on his face was almost palpable. He buried his head in her shoulder and then he kissed her again, her ear, her hair, holding her hands, like a small boy.




    There followed a painfully laboured half-hour of conversation. Mrs Traynor, a woman infused with the instinctive upper-middle-class skill of being all over any social situation, had apparently lost the ability to communicate. She seemed only half with us when I spoke. She asked a question, then asked it again ten minutes later, as if she had failed to register the answer. I wondered about the use of anti-depressants.

    Mrs Traynor appeared to be swallowed by it. There was almost nothing left of the brisk, proud woman I had known.

    the cottage was brutally impersonal. I thought of my own flat, my utter failure to personalize it or allow myself to turn it into any kind of a home. And I felt suddenly leaden, and desperately sad. What have you done to us all, Will?

    ‘Lily, I lost my son – your father – and in truth I probably lost him some time before he died. His death took away everything my life was built on: my role as a mother, my family, my career, even my faith. I have felt, frankly, as if I descended into a dark hole. But to discover that he had a daughter – that I have a granddaughter – has made me think all might not be lost.’ She swallowed. ‘I’m not going to say that you’ve returned part of him to me, because that wouldn’t be fair on you. You are, as I’ve already grasped, very much your own person. You’ve brought me a whole new person to care about. I hope you’ll give me a second chance, Lily. Because I would very much like – no, dammit – I would love for us to spend time together.

    ‘I’m so very glad to know you. You’ve changed everything so much simply by existing.

    ‘I know we can never make up for your father not being here, and I know I’m not – well, I’m still climbing out of things rather – but … do you think … perhaps …. you could find some room for a rather difficult grandmother?’


    ‘You didn’t give me a bloody life, did you? Not really. You just smashed up my old one. Smashed it into little pieces. What am I meant to do with what’s left? When is it going to feel –’ I stretch out my arms, feeling the cool night air against my skin, and realize I am crying again. ‘Fuck you, Will,’ I whisper. ‘Fuck you for leaving me.’

    And when it came down to it, what was the point in re-examining your sadness all the time anyway? It was like picking at a wound and refusing to let it heal. I knew what I had been part of. I knew what my role was. What was the point in going over and over it?

    ‘But that’s just a fairy tale ending, isn’t it? Man dies, everyone learns something, moves on, creates something wonderful out of his death.’ I was speaking without thinking now. ‘I’ve done none of those things. I’ve basically just failed at all of it.’

    You learn to live with it, with them. Because they do stay with you, even if they’re not living, breathing people any more. It’s not the same crushing grief you felt at first, the kind that swamps you, and makes you want to cry in the wrong places, and get irrationally angry with all the idiots who are still alive when the person you love is dead. It’s just something you learn to accommodate. Like adapting around a hole. I don’t know. It’s like you become … a doughnut instead of a bun.’ There was such sadness in his face that I felt suddenly guilty.

    for the first time, I was recalling Will without sadness.

    Sometimes I felt as if we were all wading around in grief, reluctant to admit to others how far we were waving or drowning. I wondered fleetingly whether Sam’s reluctance to talk about his wife mirrored my own, the knowledge that the moment you opened the box, let out even a whisper of your sadness, it would mushroom into a cloud that overwhelmed all other conversation.

    ‘And you managed to not think about Bill too much?’ ‘Not enough to stop me … I just felt I wanted to do something that …’ I shrugged ‘… I just wanted to feel alive.’ There was a murmur of agreement at that word. It was what we all wanted, ultimately, to be freed from our grief. To be released from this underworld of the dead, half our hearts lost underground, or trapped in little porcelain urns.

    Some days, he said, it felt like a virus: you had to scrub the melancholy from your skin along with the scent of antiseptic.

    ‘I feel like I’ve turned myself off for the past two years. Like I wouldn’t let anyone get close to me because of what happened. I mean, what’s the point of getting close to someone if you’re only going to lose them? But the other day I started thinking about what I actually want out of life and I realized it was someone to love. Because you got to move on, right? You got to see some kind of future.’

    It is important not to turn the dead into saints. Nobody can walk in the shadow of a saint.

    nobody was truly free. Perhaps all freedom – physical, personal – only came at the cost of somebody or something else.

    ‘I think people get bored of grief,’ said Natasha. ‘It’s like you’re allowed some unspoken allotted time – six months, maybe – and then they get faintly irritated that you’re not “better”. It’s like you’re being self-indulgent hanging on to your unhappiness.’

    That’s life. We don’t know what will happen. Which is why we have to take our chances while we can.

    none of us moves on without a backward look. We move on always carrying with us those we have lost. What we aim to do in our little group is ensure that carrying them is not a burden that feels impossible to bear, a weight keeping us stuck in the same place. We want their presence to feel like a gift. ‘And what we learn through sharing our memories and our sadnesses and our little victories with each other is that it’s okay to feel sad. Or lost. Or angry. It’s okay to feel a whole host of things that other people might not understand, and often for a long time. Everyone has his or her own journey. We don’t judge.


    You’re going to feel uncomfortable in your new world for a bit. It always does feel strange to be knocked out of your comfort zone … There is a hunger in you, Clark. A fearlessness. You just buried it, like most people do. Just live well. Just live.


  • 想让笔下人物更吸引人?快看这本工具书

    作者:小七 发布时间:2023-12-11 19:50:28











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