全真面试教程(2020版浙江省公务员录用考试专用教材) 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

》全真面试教程(2020版浙江省公务员录用考试专用教材)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787511508560
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-11
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:29.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:29:48
















  • 作者:野马渡江 发布时间:2021-02-09 15:14:21


  • 作者:黄油sa糖 发布时间:2020-10-03 22:32:37



  • 作者:songtong2010 发布时间:2023-05-31 23:56:08


  • 作者:蓝山槟榔 发布时间:2023-01-18 10:33:17


  • 作者:旧金山旅客 发布时间:2017-10-29 00:40:28


  • 作者: 发布时间:2019-12-28 16:37:33



  • 走出霍格沃兹的罗琳

    作者:严杰夫 发布时间:2012-11-30 13:47:17


    年初,《哈利•波特》的大戏才刚落幕,所有人都还没来得及揣测罗琳未来的创作计划,但她新作的消息已经不胫而走:据说是一部没有了魔法和鬼怪的作品,据说是一个完全发生在现实中的故事……。当这些四处传播的小道消息还未完全散去,罗琳新作的中文版已摆到了我的面前。十分幸运地在第一时间拿到了这本名叫《偶发空缺》(The Casual Vacancy)的小说,我花了五个晚上将其读完。不仅此前的传闻得到了证实,而且我感叹于,那个魔法光环尚未褪尽的罗琳,竟然回转身来写下了这样一个琐碎却不乏精细、舒缓却不失激情的故事。



    在情节的铺排上,罗琳更是展现出极佳的掌控能力。事实上,《偶发空缺》的故事并不复杂,但作者却注入了诸多内涵和元素:不同阶层、族裔混居的社区生活,青少年面对成人世界的逆反和抗争,成人世界对青少年的戕害和虐残。对此,我们或者会担心,这么多的内容装在一个简单的故事中,会不会使整部作品显得冗杂繁复而破坏阅读的乐趣。但罗琳却凭借张弛有度的叙述,让这些元素巧妙呈现。回过头来看,我们可以清晰地解剖出故事的各个关键节点:巴里的死亡、两派人物在议会的投票对抗、安德鲁•普莱斯等三个孩子实施的网络报复、克里斯塔尔决定借助肥仔•沃尔怀孕、弟弟罗比和克里斯塔尔的死亡。在为这些节点的到来 “准备”时,作者的叙述不断在不同的场景和人物间穿插,就像是数条曲线正在缓慢延伸向一个终点;然而,当这些曲线汇聚到节点时,我们会感觉到叙事节奏猛然加快,人物冲突就如暴风骤雨般急速到来,毫不犹豫。就这样,舒缓的曲线和猛然的节点丝丝入扣,最终构成一张绵密的网兜,兜起了这个酣畅淋漓而又充满乐感的故事。




    2012年11月30日 刊于《东方壹周》

  • 后来人们翻译出了多少间烟草店

    作者: 发布时间:2019-09-04 02:43:14

    之前看英文的the tobacco shop,很震撼,但这次到手这本的《烟草店》感觉少了点什么。于是又找了下英译版来对比。同时也搜集了网上的几个不同中译,只选我觉得比较有问题的一个小段落来比较一下。完全不懂葡语,所有讨论在默认英语译文准确无误且诗意流畅的前提下进行。


    Today I'm defeated, as if I'd learned the truth.

    Today I'm lucid, as if I were about to die

    And had no greater kinship with things

    Than to say farewell

    , this building and this side of the street becoming

    A row of train cars, with the whistle for departure

    Blowing in my head

    And my nerves jolting and bones creaking as we pull out.

    (Portuguese; trans. Richard Zenith









    (扬子 译









    (姚风 译









    (杨铁军 译


    Today I'm defeated, as if I'd learned the truth.










    Today I'm lucid, as if I were about to die and had no greater kinship with things than to say farewell。



















    The Tobacco Shop

    I'm nothing.

    I'll always be nothing.

    I can't want to be something.

    But I have in me all the dreams of the world.

    Windows of my room,

    The room of one of the world's millions nobody knows

    (And if they knew me, what would they know?),

    You open onto the mystery of a street continually crossed by people,

    A street inaccessible to any and every thought,

    Real, impossibly real, certain, unknowingly certain,

    With the mystery of things beneath the stones and beings,

    With death making the walls damp and the hair of men white,

    With Destiny driving the wagon of everything down the road of nothing.

    Today I'm defeated, as if I'd learned the truth.

    Today I'm lucid, as if I were about to die

    And had no greater kinship with things

    Than to say farewell, this building and this side of the street becoming

    A row of train cars, with the whistle for departure

    Blowing in my head

    And my nerves jolting and bones creaking as we pull out.

    Today I'm bewildered, like a man who wondered and discovered and forgot.

    Today I'm torn between the loyalty I owe

    To the outward reality of the Tobacco Shop across the street

    And to the inward reality of my feeling that everything's a dream.

    I failed in everything.

    Since I had no ambition, perhaps I failed in nothing.

    I left the education I was given,

    Climbing down from the window at the back of the house.

    I went to the country with big plans.

    But all I found was grass and trees,

    And when there were people they were just like the others.

    I step back from the window and sit in a chair. What should I think about?

    How should I know what I'll be, I who don't know what I am?

    Be what I think? But I think of being so many things!

    And there are so many who think of being the same thing that we can't all be it!

    Genius? At this moment

    A hundred thousand brains are dreaming they're geniuses like me,

    And it may be that history won't remember even one,

    All of their imagined conquests amounting to so much dung.

    No, I don't believe in me.

    Insane asylums are full of lunatics with certainties!

    Am I, who have no certainties, more right or less right?

    No, not even me . . .

    In how many garrets and non-garrets of the world

    Are self-convinced geniuses at this moment dreaming?

    How many lofty and noble and lucid aspirations

    –Yes, truly lofty and noble and lucid

    And perhaps even attainable–

    Will never see the light of day or find a sympathetic ear?

    The world is for those born to conquer it,

    Not for those who dream they can conquer it, even if they're right.

    I've done more in dreams than Napoleon.

    I've held more humanities against my hypothetical breast than Christ.

    I've secretly invented philosophies such as Kant never wrote.

    But I am, and perhaps will always be, the man in the garret,

    Even though I don't live in one.

    I'll always be the one who wasn't born for that;

    I'll always be merely the one who had qualities;

    I'll always be the one who waited for a door to open in a wall without doors

    And sang the song of the Infinite in a chicken coop

    And heard the voice of God in a covered well.

    Believe in me? No, not in anything.

    Let Nature pour over my seething head

    Its sun, its rain, and the wind that finds my hair,

    And let the rest come if it will or must, or let it not come.

    Cardiac slaves of the stars,

    We conquered the whole world before getting out of bed,

    But we woke up and it's hazy,

    We got up and it's alien,

    We went outside and it's the entire earth

    Plus the solar system and the Milky Way and the Indefinite.

    (Eat your chocolates, little girl,

    Eat your chocolates!

    Believe me, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates,

    And all religions put together teach no more than the candy shop.

    Eat, dirty little girl, eat!

    If only I could eat chocolates with the same truth as you!

    But I think and, removing the silver paper that's tinfoil,

    I throw it on the ground, as I've thrown out life.)

    But at least, from my bitterness over what I'll never be,

    There remains the hasty writing of these verses,

    A broken gateway to the Impossible.

    But at least I confer on myself a contempt without tears,

    Noble at least in the sweeping gesture by which I fling

    The dirty laundry that's me–with no list–into the stream of things,

    And I stay at home, shirtless.

    (O my consoler, who doesn't exist and therefore consoles,

    Be you a Greek goddess, conceived as a living statue,

    Or a patrician woman of Rome, impossibly noble and dire,

    Or a princess of the troubadours, all charm and grace,

    Or an eighteenth-century marchioness, decollete and aloof,

    Or a famous courtesan from our parent's generation,

    Or something modern, I can't quite imagine what–

    Whatever all of this is, whatever you are, if you can inspire, then inspire me!

    My heart is a poured-out bucket.

    In the same way invokers of spirits invoke spirits, I invoke

    My own self and find nothing.

    I go to the window and see the street with absolute clarity.

    I see the shops, I see the sidewalks, I see the passing cars,

    I see the clothed living beings who pass each other.

    I see the dogs that also exist,

    And all of this weighs on me like a sentence of exile,

    And all of this is foreign, like everything else.)

    I've lived, studied, loved, and even believed,

    And today there's not a beggar I don't envy just because he isn't me.

    I look at the tatters and sores and falsehood of each one,

    And I think: perhaps you never lived or studied or loved or believed

    (For it's possible to do all of this without having done any of it);

    Perhaps you've merely existed, as when a lizard has its tail cut off

    And the tail keeps on twitching, without the lizard.

    I made of myself what I was no good at making,

    And what I could have made of myself I didn't.

    I put on the wrong costume

    And was immediately taken for someone I wasn't, and I said nothing and was lost.

    When I went to take off the mask,

    It was stuck to my face.

    When I got it off and saw myself in the mirror,

    I had already grown old.

    I was drunk and no longer knew how to wear the costume hat I hadn't taken off.

    I threw out the mask and slept in the closet

    Like a dog tolerated by the management

    Because it's harmless,

    And I'll write down this story to prove I'm sublime.

    Musical essence of my useless verses,

    If only I could look at you as something I had made

    Instead of always looking at the Tobacco Shop across the street,

    Trampling on my consciousness of existing,

    Like a rug a drunkard stumbles on

    Or a doormat stolen by gypsies and it's not worth a thing.

    But the Tobacco Shop Owner has come to the door and is standing there.

    I look at him with the discomfort of a half-twisted neck

    Compounded by the discomfort of a half-grasping soul.

    He will die and I will die.

    He'll leave his signboard, I'll leave my poems.

    His sign will also eventually die, and so will my poems.

    Eventually the street where the sign was will die,

    And so will the language in which my poems were written.

    Then the whirling planet where all of this happened will die.

    On other planets of other solar systems something like people

    Will continue to make things like poems and to live under things like signs,

    Always one thing facing the other,

    Always one thing as useless as the other,

    Always the impossible as stupid as reality,

    Always the inner mystery as true as the mystery sleeping on the surface.

    Always this thing or always that, or neither one thing nor the other.

    But a man has entered the Tobacco Shop (to buy tobacco?),

    And plausible reality suddenly hits me.

    I half rise from my chair–energetic, convinced, human–

    And will try to write these verses in which I say the opposite.

    I light up a cigarette as I think about writing them,

    And in that cigarette I savor a freedom from all thought.

    My eyes follow the smoke as if it were my own trail

    And I enjoy, for a sensitive and fitting moment,

    A liberation from all speculation

    And an awareness that metaphysics is a consequence of not feeling very well.

    Then I lean back in the chair

    And keep smoking.

    As long as Destiny permits, I'll keep smoking.

    (If I married my washwoman's daughter

    Perhaps I would be happy.)

    I get up from the chair. I go to the window.

    The man has come out of the Tobacco Shop (putting change into his pocket?).

    Ah, I know him: it's unmetaphysical Esteves.

    (The Tobacco Shop Owner has come to the door.)

    As if by divine instinct, Esteves turns around and sees me.

    He waves hello, I shout back "Hello, Esteves!" and the universe

    Falls back into place without ideals or hopes, and the Owner of the Tobacco Shop


    Fernando Pessoa,Portuguese, trans. Richard Zenith,Fernando Pessoa and Co.,Grove/Atlantic,1998.

    ©️Fernando Pessoa & Richard Zenith


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