智汇书屋 -老夫子35
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老夫子35 下载 pdf 电子版 epub 免费 txt 2025

》老夫子35电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787802441798
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-08
  • 页数:118
  • 价格:8.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-09 19:25:10





















  • 作者:Mr.Mask 发布时间:2020-05-05 16:41:24


  • 作者:dancing dust 发布时间:2017-06-08 09:37:34

    蜻蜓点水 有趣但不够有益。毕竟30秒能说清楚的还能叫哲学嘛……

  • 作者:小果 发布时间:2021-04-20 15:54:33


  • 作者:人在清涼國 发布时间:2010-11-27 11:55:53


  • 作者:eien99 发布时间:2013-07-04 17:58:46


  • 作者:大壮他爹 发布时间:2020-04-23 14:19:08

    《老夫子》漫画原作者为朋弟,剽窃者王家禧,欺世盗名,标榜自己为原创作者,可以参考冯骥才《文化发掘 老夫子出土》。



  • 给孩子的圣诞节礼物,当然要选不一样的圣诞老人,难忘又温暖

    作者:擦亮星星 发布时间:2018-11-30 05:08:34































  • 书摘

    作者:泰洛丹 发布时间:2022-03-08 15:04:03


    //anxiety on the meaning of existence

    //get rid of the previous assumption, despair is positive

    //the meaning of existence=becoming=what you are doing=the goal

    //a goal uneasy to surpass

    //welcome risk, act freely, be enthusiastic, be joyful, regardless of the meaning


    //ambiguity, nature of our existence

    //the both-and logic between contradictions dominates

    //nothing, no action, no choice, no being is a have-to mandatory

    //nothing, no action, no choice, no being has meaning

    //pursuit to escape from the meaninglessness is a tragedy

    //this meaninglessness leads to the basis of morality to win recognition from others

    //moral decision is a compromise


    //revenge may do not work

    //when people deny our existence, we hate

    //we revenge to win recognition

    //we behave ethically and morally to win recognition

    //punishment is a relation between one-to-one individuals

    //social justice robs the opportunity for revenge

    //all punishment is a failure

    //to punish is to recognize myself as a free man, ambiguous with evil side

    bad faith

    //we choose to believe and lie to ourselves, to feel better

    //we self-deceive to relieve the burden of responsibility


    //femininity is our reaction to the situation

    //a bad situation, limiting our liberation, making female into woman

    //femininity never exists


    //man defines woman, as relative to him

    //woman is put as an other, a degrading object, with fixed possibilities


    //biological considerations cannot define a person

    //only through activities can consciousness be manifested

    //reproductive function determines the difficult situation

    //individuality harms the interest of the species


    //literature reveals the universal metaphysical reality

    //female are sexual beings, they act and react on their sexual desires

    //woman's sexual death is not the end of desire but the repression of desire, bound up with age


    //individuality and universality cannot be realized at the same time

    //value is subjective

    //what's harmful is the institutional crime.

    old age

    //the system determines the poor state of the old

    //the meaning of the past changes with the future

    //the past of the old is frozen, so the old stop doing to surpass the past.

    //old is placed on us from outside

    //the young cannot recognize themselves in the old

    //the causality of the bad faith is scarcity on resource


    we are here

    for our existence

    there's no justification

    there's no meaning

    get used to it.

    assume responsibility for ourselves

    for each other

    for our world

    turn yourself from a spectator to a participant


    why not rest right away

    what's the use of leaving, if it is to return home

    what's the use of starting, if you must stop

    i will not say a, because after that, i will have to say b,

    after b, it will be the entire alphabet, syllables, words, books, tests, and a career

    task after task, without rest.

    if i start, i will never be finished with it.

    if it is never to be finished, what's the use of starting

    push the limits of conquests

    beyond earth, beyond stars, to an infinity

    the total undertaking would only be more foolish

    efforts are dispersed without a coming-together-goal

    we set limits for ourselves

    then we always overstep these limits

    what's the use

    no goal worth the trouble of any effort

    when we were young

    we ran and played without asking questions

    the objects are there, an absolute existence

    they are the reason for being

    one day a voice awakened us

    we had the power to surpass original goal

    there are no longer goals

    but new projects are keeping coming into existence

    what's the use

    the child lives in a world

    in the world everything exists and works the way it is

    there's no need for justification

    they are there, this way, natural, secure and unquestionable

    the child takes it for granted

    the crisis of adolescence ends this security

    anxiety begins, when we take the responsibity to seek meaning of our life

    you did not ask to be born

    your existence is sheer contingency

    there's no reason for being existent

    get rid of the taken-for-granted certainties

    like the awakening of adolescents

    realization of the inadequacy of previous assumptions

    it's a state of despair

    our rejection of previous beliefs is a positive step

    what used to be determinant should be get rid of

    from Hegel

    this unhappy consciousness is caused by alienation from the absolute soul

    //anxiety on the meaning of existence

    //get rid of the previous assumption, despair is positive

    the meaning is not given by God or nature

    the meaning arises in existing

    in existing, we project ourselves into the future

    this ceaseless movement of projection is the process of becoming

    action is not what one is doing

    action is what one is.

    you are what you are doing

    the meaning of action is not determined by external authority

    the meaning of action is determined by its goal

    the meaning of conquest is by the goal of the conquest itself

    the meaning of our existence is by the goal of our existence

    //the meaning of existence=becoming=what you are doing=the goal

    the goal of my action gives the action its meaning

    the goal of my action is immediately surpassed

    the action is thus rendered to be meaningless

    so we need to seek for the action a goal not easy to be surpassed

    it should not be an infinite goal

    infinite goal disperses and it is meaningless for a finite being

    //a goal uneasy to surpass

    we must act in uncertainty and risk

    that is the essence of freedom

    the only answer is there is no answer

    this is the deepest truth

    i am not a thing

    i desire, i love, i want, i act

    we know the paradoxes of action

    we know the potential meaninglessness of existence

    we know it in joy

    nothing can suppress the vitality in us

    live with vitality

    vitality pushes us forward to new goals and actions

    //welcome risk, act freely, be enthusiastic, be joyful, regardless of the meaning

    he is an individual of the collectivity

    he lives and he lives to die

    he can think rationally, he is still part of the world

    he grasps truth, this moment he exists is a nothing

    we are easily crushed by forces

    these are the paradox of our condition

    it is the truth of life and death

    it is the truth of solitude and bond

    it is the truth of freedom and duties

    it is the truth of my insignificance and my sovereign importance

    it is in the knowledge of these genuine conditions, can we live with reality

    death is not the opposite of life

    they are companions

    death is internal to each living life

    life begins with the seed of death already bedded in it

    although i am for myself in the position of absolute subject

    in the eyes of others, i am easily reduced to an object

    from my point of view i am unique

    from others' point of view i am the same as everyone else

    i am an individual

    however as part of a collectivity, my individuality recedes.

    the either-or logic no longer applicable to our existence

    the both-and logic between contradictions dominates

    our existence is ambiguous, with freedom and facticity

    we have freedom to choose what to do

    we also at the same time have things beyongd our choice(called facticity)

    //ambiguity, nature of our existence

    //the both-and logic between contradictions dominates

    we are the absolute origin of our action

    we are responsible for its meaning and justification

    but we did not choose our own existence

    there's no reason for our existence. it's contingent.

    thus the action is turned from meaningful to also contingent.

    action seems no longer a have-to mandatory

    //nothing, no action, no choice, no being is a have-to mandatory

    //nothing, no action, no choice, no being has meaningness

    any attempt to overcome the ambiguity will be an inevitable failure

    any attempt to escape the threat of meaninglessness will be an inevitable failure

    the tragedy is that we keep on trying

    //pursuit to escape from the meaninglessness is a tragedy

    the inevitable failure can be regarded as the basis of morality

    we are bound to others

    we need them to justify our existence

    these others need freedom in order to justify our existence

    //this meaninglessness leads to the basis of morality to win recognition from others

    //moral decision is a compromise

    revenge only leaves taste of ashes in the mouths

    crimes will not compromise any of our values

    but for war criminals, these crimes strike at our hearts

    only by their punishment can our values be affirmed

    however once punishment occurs, she could not feel joyful

    any punishment has to lead to a real flowing of blood

    the transformation

    1. detached critic

    2. vengeful executioner

    3. uneasy accomplice

    //revenge may do not work

    by torture, one man reduces another to an object

    thus denying his existence as a human being

    vengeance aims to re-establish the consciousness of the criminal

    vengeance aims to make him recognize their freedom and human existence

    this affirmation on the reciprocal relation between humans is the basis of what we call justice

    from Hegel

    i feel myself as a person, a free subject, which depends on being recognized by others as such

    in slavery and racism and concentration camps, such needs are refused

    social death: exclusion from the community of human beings

    it is the basis of the need for punishment

    //when people deny our existence, we hate

    //we revenge to win recognition

    human existence is won through affirmation of others, over and over, constantly

    the need for this affirmation is the basis of morality

    ethical relations with others get its practical sense

    morality == reaffirmation to others, that they are free and autonomous and with human rights

    //we behave ethically and morally to win recognition

    can the need for punishment be satisfied

    when revenge on his own, yes, it can.

    punishment is a concrete relation between individuals

    the same way as love, torture, murder, friendship

    social justice is not a concrete relation between individuals

    the need to revenge fails to be satisfied in social justice

    official justice robs us of the opportunity for vengeance

    it can only make us feel guilty

    //punishment is a relation between one-to-one individuals

    //social justice robs the opportunity for revenge

    all punishment is a failure

    punishment fails to achieve the reaffirmation

    the criminal can no longer recognize the freedom he once denied on a free manner

    this vengeance is hollow

    the inevitable failure should not stop us punishing

    to punish is to recognize man as free

    he is both free in evil and in good

    we might be in a contradictory situation,

    not wish him dead and wish he must die

    our actions and decisions are fundamentally ambiguous

    //all punishment is a failure

    //to punish is to recognize myself a free man, ambiguous with evil side

    conflict of values goes on inside us

    we choose to ignore

    we claim we know it comprehensively

    we choose not to inform ourselves of the real condition

    such ignorance cannot give us peace of mind

    our mind needs other more powerful defenses to escape the conflict and dilemma

    a system of rationalization is required

    to defend them against their inner conflict

    their credo and the day-to-day segregation

    this system can justify the inequality and segregation

    this is the racist ideology

    the bad faith

    bad faith is something false you choose to believe,

    you choose to lie to yourself, to make you feel better

    //we choose to believe and lie to ourselves, to feel better

    from Satre,

    we are free to decide

    we should take the whole responsibility for our choices

    even the choice is made under extreme external condition

    which still cannot mitigate our responsibility

    with a gun at my head

    i still have the freedom to refuse.

    only it may be a foolish choice.

    if if i compromise and obey, that doesn't mean i should feel guilty

    it only means i choose in a rational way

    most of the time, we choose to pretend it is not our responsibility

    we find excuses and pretend to believe so

    we choose to lie to ourselves.

    they refuse to accept the responsibility for the inequality and segregation

    they deny that it's caused by human will

    they said it's a given fact

    they said it is because of their natural inferiority

    bad faith emerges as a self-justification for self-defence

    in order to relieve the burden of responsibility and the burden of self-reflection

    //we self-deceive, refuse to take responsiblity

    woman can be understood in a biological sense

    based on their role in reproduction

    "what is a women" is not a question like "what is a chair"

    we cannot list attributes to form that thing called woman

    it is asking "to exist as a woman, what difference is it"

    all women are female

    not all females are women

    these females lack "femininity"

    so they cannot be called women

    there's pre-defined limits and expectations for women's behavior

    it threatens the liberation of women

    Femininity never exist

    like there's no black soul or Jewish character

    Characteristics are not fixed

    Characteristics are reaction to a situation

    (birth, disposition, past, external condition)

    there are situations, freedom is not in place

    eg: in slavery

    pay attention to these situations

    that makes female into a woman

    //femininity is our reaction to the situation

    //a bad situation, limiting our liberation, making female into woman

    //femininity never exists

    the oblique is defined by the absolute vertical

    the woman is defined by the absolute human type: man.

    Eve: made from an extra bone of Adam

    the inessential as opposed to the essential

    he is the subject

    he is the absolute

    she is the other

    man is the substance of human

    independent of anything else

    woman is an accident

    has no independent existence

    humanity is male

    man defines woman, not in herself, but as relative to him

    not an autonomous being

    she is the sex, a sexed being

    //man defines woman, as relative to him

    from hegel

    1. self-consciousness needs constant recognition from others

    2. people thus impose limits on the freedom and desires of each other

    3. people struggle for recognition

    4. the resolution is the master/slave relationship

    5. the victory for the master is an empty victory, he's not satisfied, since the slave has lost freedom when recognizing

    6. the slave is satisfied, since his efforts have been objectified and externalized. His products help him recognize himself.

    to be a subject is to put himself in a position related to another subject

    to be an other is to be put by a subject as an object with fixed possibilities

    the other is a degrading transformation from being a subject

    be put as an other involves a limitation of freedom of being a subject

    it is the condition that brings the need for punishment/vengeance

    what's a woman

    she is the other

    little girls are taught to suppress their vitality, ambition and freedom to be young women

    heterosexual relations are viewed as possession of the female

    motherhood is never a freely chosen project

    institutions reject female agency

    the social horror to be aging and old among women

    the stereotypical feminine character

    disproportionate child care falles on women

    be paid less for doing the same work

    prevalent rape

    encourage little girls to dream of marrying a prince

    Women agree to appear in sexist magazines to be popular

    Women’s growing demands for certain rights provoke the anxiety of men

    //woman is put as an other, a degrading object, with fixed possibilities

    biological consideration is insufficient to set up hierarchy

    biological consideration cannot justify why woman is the other

    biological consideration cannot remain women in this subordinate role forever

    body cannot define a person

    only through activities can manifest her consciousness and living reality

    human species is in a state of becoming

    woman is becoming, but compared with man?

    that is to say, her possibility is defined, by man?

    //biological considerations cannot define a person

    //only through activities can consciousness be manifested

    her individuality will harm the interest of the species

    it is her reproductive function that imposes the burden on her

    her reproductive function absorbs her individual life

    her difficult situation is determined socially rather than naturally

    given a good social and economic situation

    reproduction would not conflict with her individuality

    thus sex can be surpassed or overcome

    //reproductive function determines the difficult situation

    //individuality harms the interest of the species

    it's impossible to know yourself

    it's possible to reveal yourself

    we recount events occurred in our lives

    we present them in an objective manner

    these events thus get meaning

    which shows who we are from the outside

    although self-knowledge is impossible

    at least self-revelation is likely

    literature reveals the universal metaphysical reality

    her description about sexual experience also reveal metaphysical reality

    //literature reveals the universal metaphysical reality

    although animals have sex, they do not have sexuality

    sexuality makes body live in pleasure

    the function of reproduction cannot explain sexuality

    it's like a running underground stream, surfacing when there's an opportunity.

    female sexuality

    not a specific kind of desire or pleasure

    simply the fact that they are sexual beings,

    they experience their sexual desires

    they act and react on these desires

    //sexuality makes body live in pleasure

    //female are sexual beings, they act and react on their sexual desires

    the relation between sex and death

    sexlessness is death

    not sex is death

    the tragedy of the end of sexual existence is bound up with her age

    whereas her husband is significantly older

    sexual death is socially not biologically determined

    it is not the end of desire but the repression of desire

    //woman's sexual death is not the end of desire but the repression of desire, bound up with age

    can you at the same time possess both universality and individuality

    do you have to sacrifice your individual difference in order to be integrated into the community

    he made immense effort to show how passionately he wished to be accepted by the human community

    no individual can escape without self-deception

    individuality and universality

    one term is realized at the expense of the other

    the French revolution is a good example

    //individuality and universality cannot be realized at the same time

    nothing has a value in itself

    it is us who bestow value on them

    thus anything can be valued

    this is called: the subjective origin of all value

    //value is subjective

    a man whipping a prostitute will not be that harmful to the society

    the real harms are those established injustice, official abuses and constitutional crimes

    in a criminal society, you can only become a criminal to avoid complicity with it

    his value lies in his ability to disturb us.

    //what's harmful is the institutional crime.

    it has been pre-settled when they are young

    this poor state when they are old

    it is the crime of the society

    when their strength fails, these once been exploited are rejected and abandoned

    it is a systematic destruction

    what should a society be, so that in his last years a man might still be a man

    old age may be relatively comfortable for the wealthy

    miserable, lonely and painful for the majority

    they are no longer fully human in the eyes of the young

    //the system determines the poor state of the old

    the refusal to acknowledge ageing is the refusal to acknowledge death

    when getting old, their relation to time changes

    more past behind than future ahead

    we give priority to future

    to exist is to surpass what you once were and is now

    the meaning of the present and the past is forever changing with the future

    we keep reinterpreting our past, because its meaning has changed

    when getting old

    the future is limited

    the past is getting frozen

    it is easier for the young to surpass their past

    as long as they can strive for the future

    the old has a tendency for looking back

    the old feels that the time belonging to them is a former time

    here comes: in my time

    the old man no longer does anything

    he is a being, not a doing

    human existence is in keeping surpassing the past

    the old no longer does so

    //the meaning of the past changes with the future

    //the past of the old is frozen, so the old stop surpassing the past.

    from Hegel

    we have two modes of existence

    being for ourselves, the subject

    being for others, the object

    we are in the eyes of other, not what we are for ourselves

    i can only be an object for myself through the eyes of the other

    i must see myself as others see me

    we were once young

    suddenly with surprise, we are old

    old age is placed on us from outside

    you are as old as you feel

    it is not correct

    you are as old as the others say you are

    //old is placed on us from outside

    the old, in the eyes of the young, a different species

    they cannot recognize themselves in the old men

    it is the bad faith of the young, who refuse to see their own fate about the condition of the old

    only a problem, a burden, a useless unproductive drain on resources

    a redundant, feeble-minded, half man

    a materialistic foundation for the opposition between the same and the other

    the rejection and oppression of the other can be explained by the scarcity on resources and economy

    //the young cannot recognize themselves in the old

    //the causality of the bad faith is scarcity on resource


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